: Video Consultancy Service for the project “Strengthening Adolescents Reproductive health And Livelihoods” SARAL in Surkhet district

Handicap International

Details / requirements:




Title of Action: Video Consultancy Service for the project “Strengthening Adolescents Reproductive health And Livelihoods” SARAL in Surkhet district

      Humanity & Inclusion (HI), the new name of Handicap International, is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. It works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, to improve their living conditions and to promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

As a lead partner, HI is implementing a program called Disability Inclusive Development (DID) under which ‘Strengthening Adolescents Reproductive health And Livelihoods’ (SARAL). DID (SARAL) is an innovative project, implemented in consortium with Light for The World (LFTW) and Sense International (SI), and Disabled Empowerment Centre (DEC) as a local partner in Surkhet.

With the dire need to address the issues and challenges felt by the young people with disabilities the project has established the holistic statement i.e. Young people with disabilities have limited knowledge of their Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) Rights, have limited access to SRH services and livelihood opportunities due to stigma and inaccessibility which limits their future prospects. In order to bridge the overall statement DID has aimed to bring together the three main actors:

i)               Young people with disabilities

ii)             Service Providers

iii)           Government Authorities.

The project design phase is driven by an understanding of mitigating the gaps among the young people with disabilities in relation to their SRH and livelihood through stakeholders’ participation and engagement of OPDs throughout the lifecycle of the project. The envisioned innovation will be piloted in two municipalities of Surkhet district; Birendranagar and Bheriganga Municipalities. The targeted participants for this innovation program is young people specifically those with disabilities (physical, intellectual, mental, sensorial) from 10-24 years old. The project focuses on working at three domain of change:

iv)           Individual and family

v)             Local service and

vi)           System and governance.

Along with the DID domain of change, this program adheres with the adaptive management approach i.e., feasible and flexible testing; continuous monitoring; receiving feedback and taking corrective course of actions throughout the innovation phase.

      What is the objective of the documentary?

·      To gather evidence on promoting and hindering factors for disability-inclusive development actions of government and community throughout the project period

·      To understand the impact of our intervention on young people including those with disabilities’ lives and their family’s lives

·      To understand the discrimination and barriers that people with disabilities face as compared to those without disabilities

·      To tackle negative perceptions of people with disabilities by presenting them as equal human beings with equal rights as people without disabilities

·      The impact of this project on people with disabilities

·      To document what has been learnt - how they should be inclusive of people with disabilities

Who are we talking to? (Target Audience)

The videos will be used for internal and external communications (including fundraising, websites, social media) by government, project partners, donors and supporters in Nepal and internationally.

What would we like them to do in response to our communication?

The Target Group should be:

·      Convinced to adopt the programme interventions and techniques to bring some meaningful changes in their lives

·      Give the viewers an idea about the situation in Surkhet, particularly on the discrimination and barriers that people with disabilities face

What is the single most important message you want to give to your TG?

How the target group has benefited through the project we are delivering.

References shoot:

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iucL773S-ZI

·      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ybee5gLNTg

What is the reason to believe?

Evidence-based learnings of interventions through visual content and learning.

Channels we can use: Social Media, Digital Signage, and Websites


The time frame allocated for this assignment is 1st of December 2021 to 30th June 2022 and the place of delivery is HI office (KTM).



Starting date



To take the videos of ongoing project intervention monthly

1 December 2021

30th June 2022


To take HD pictures of Activities and cases

1 December 2021

30th June 2022


   ·      Relevant experience demonstrated through samples of published work

·      Minimum three years of experience in relevant business as a registered company/entity in Nepal

·      Preferably based in Surkhet

·      Selection Criteria:

·      Creative brief

·      Vendor profile and registration documentation

·      Technical proposal

·      Financial proposal

      ·      Video type 1: Video documentary compiling case stories of persons with disabilities and their families.

·      Video type 2:  Videos of the selected 3 people with disabilities from ELA group and VFP.

·      Video type 3: Videos on the implementation of our intervention containing interviews with government officials, local stakeholders and project staff

·      A finalized script for the AV

·      All versions of videos with English subtitles

·      All versions of the videos follow donor, Inclusive Futures and partner branding guidelines

·      Provide raw footage of videos along with script as it is recorded (ie not at the end of the contract)

·      Approval of storyboard before editing videos

·      Provide HD picture of case stories along with videos

·      Collect and provide learnings of COVID-19 response project



·      The total budget available for the service is NPR. 560000 (Five Hundred and Sixty thousand only) including VAT.

·      The total amount will be paid by HI


Contractor (Last name Forename Position Date and Signature)


Consultant (Last name Forename Date and Signature)




         Quotation in the name of Handicap International, with stamp and signature

         Copy of VAT certificate

         Copy of latest Tax clearance certificate

         Quotation Validity

         Please send a cover letter and the required documents to e-mail: p.neupane@hi.org/s.shah@hi.org or contact 9802309988. The last date for submitting the application is Nov 26, 2021. Please indicate the consultancy title while applying for  the subject of your cover letter.


Category Consulting & Professional Services
Posted Date 17 Nov, 2021
Apply Before 01 Dec, 2021
City Western Region