Terms of Reference (ToR): Capacity Building Training for Journalists in Digital Media (Data Driven)

Sambandha Nepal

Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Capacity Building Training for Journalists in Digital Media (Data Driven)


SAMBANDHA Nepal is a non-political, non-profit organization established in 2076 BS by Youths. The organization was founded with the mission of promoting the overall development of marginalized communities, including women, Dalit children, minorities, and youth, while advocating for social justice and holding relevant agencies accountable. SAMBANDHA aims to address social, economic, and cultural challenges in the district, working toward youth empowerment, social transformation, climate justice, and good governance. Committed to these causes, SAMBANDHA has been actively working on initiatives related to governance, climate justice, gender equality, and the inclusion of disadvantaged communities through volunteer efforts without external financial support. 

Initially we started our organizations as Panchakoshi Jwala Yuwa Pratishthan(PJYA) which now Changed to SAMBANDHA Nepal with the same Mission, Vision, Goals & Strategies.


SAMBANDHA Nepal is being implemented under the project “Strengthening Media Professionalism, Safety, and Accountability,” implemented under the Strengthening Democracy Voice, Citizen Engagement, and Accountability Project with the support of European Union/ International Alert. Under this Project, we are organizing 2 days Capacity building Training for journalists in digital media (Data Driven) on Chaitra 13-14, 2081 (March 25-26, 2025) in Birendranagar, Surkhet, the capital of Karnali Province. SAMBANDHA Nepal is seeking an experienced and qualified consulting firm/company or professional to lead the facilitation of investigative journalism training.


  • Develop news reporting and writing skills
  • To promote awareness of ethical issues in digital media, such as misinformation, fake news, and content verification.
  • To provide knowledge on data journalism and its applications in the digital era.
  • Enhance the digital literacy and skills of journalists.
  • Improve journalists' understanding of digital media tools, techniques, and platforms.
  • Promote ethical standards and credibility in digital journalism.
  • Empower journalists to create engaging multimedia content and interact effectively with their audience online.

Scope of Work

The trainer will be responsible for designing and delivering an interactive training program that covers key aspects of Training. Specific tasks include:

  • Developing a detailed training Manual, modules, and materials.
  • Conducting training sessions with practical exercises, case studies, and group discussions.
  • Providing guidance on tools and techniques for journalism tools and technology. 
  • Facilitating hands-on exercises in news reporting, including fieldwork simulations.
  • Evaluating participants’ progress and providing a final report with recommendations for further capacity-building efforts.


The trainer is expected to deliver the following:

  • Training manual and materials, including presentations and case studies.
  • Interactive training sessions over the agreed period.
  • Practical assignments and exercises for participants.
  • Final training evaluation report with key observations and recommendations.

Duration and Location

2 days Capacity building Training for journalists in digital media (Data Driven) will be conducted. Training will be conducted in Birendranagar, Surkhet, the capital of Karnali Province, from  Chaitra 13-14, 2081 (March 25-26, 2025)

Supervision Arrangements

The Consultant will report to the President/ Project Assistant of SAMBANDHA Nepal.

General Assumptions and Dependencies

The consultant will abide by all the SAMBANDHA Nepal safeguarding policies. SAMBANDHA Nepal will orient them during the contract sign. Entire presentations, fact findings, reports will be asset of Project under SAMBANDHA Nepal.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • 10 years of Proven experience in journalism and media training 
  • Strong understanding of ethical journalism.
  • Experience working with journalists, media organizations, and development partners.
  • Excellent facilitation and communication skills.
  • Knowledge of the media landscape and challenges in [Specify Karnali province]
  • Local knowledge of the provinces and languages in Karnali.

Application Process

Interested candidates are invited to submit the following:

  • A brief proposal including a proposed training methodology and timeline.
  • A CV highlighting relevant experience.
  • Examples of previous training programs conducted.

Duration of the Assignment

  • The assignment is expected to take 2 working days from the date of signing the contract.

Deadline and submission of Offers

Invitees and interested companies to submit the following documents by Chaitra 7 2081 (20 March 2025) the interested parties should submit the following documentation:

  • Financial and technical proposal of facilitated.

Interested parties should send the documentation stated above in this document to (5 PM Nepal time) to the addresses below.

Physical AddressEmail Address

SAMBANDHA Nepal  Birendranagar-8 Surkhet

Narayan Municipality-1 Dailekh


Evaluation and Selection Process

This application is open to all interested parties that meet the abovementioned criteria.  The selected contractor will be responsible for executing all the activities described in this TOR in collaboration with SAMBANDHA NEPAL. The selection process of the facilitator will be based on the set of criteria developed by the SAMBANDHA NEPAL procurement Committee to evaluate the proposals. The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the financial proposals by choosing the best quality compared to the price.

Budget and payment information

  • The payment will be made after the completion of all the deliverable and submission of final reports.
  • The Tax on remuneration, allowances, transportation or if any heading will be deducted from Resource Person/ facilitator Pay/ remuneration before final settlement as per the prevailing Nepal Government taxation rate and rule.

Other important information

The sub-contracting from the consultant for the services is not acceptable.

Contact Information:

For inquiries or further information, please contact: 9868934527/ sambandhanepal.official@gmail.com

Procurement Committee



Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 14 Mar, 2025
Apply Before 20 Mar, 2025
City Dailekh