Terms of Reference (TOR)
Details / requirements:
Assignment Title: Develop the Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan (LDCRP) and analyze flood-affected vulnerability on the livelihood of Devdaha Municipality, Rupandehi
Technical Area: Climate Resilience
Project Area: Devdaha Municipality, Rupandehi District, Nepal
1. Introduction
CDM-Nepal is a leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organisation of Province 5 of Nepal. Established in 2000 in Butwal, CDM-Nepal has worked in DRM, CCA, WASH, livelihood and GBV. CDM’s programmes have historically been targeted at underprivileged women and children. Origins of CDM-Nepal CDM-Nepal’s origin can be traced back to 1993, the year Rupandehi district experienced one of the devastating floods in its history. Having seen the havoc brought by the disaster, a group of local development professionals joined hands to informally set up “Save the Environment and Rural Development Institute (SERDI)”, which later became CDM-Nepal during official registration in 2000. CDM Nepal envisions creating a just, equitable, peaceful, prosperous, and disaster-resilient society for all citizens of Nepal. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families in the poorest and most marginalized communities. We work to reduce disaster risks and minimize losses to lives, livelihoods, health, and essential assets. Our programs focus on livelihood improvement, health, WASH, and education with a gender-responsive and rights-based approach. CDM Nepal partners with local governments and civil society organizations to design, implement, and evaluate programs. We conduct applied research to address socio-economic, climate, disaster, and environmental challenges. The insights gained are used for advocacy, organizational development, and tackling development challenges at all levels.
There are a number of climate change related policies and plans at national level to prioritize and support climate resilient interventions in reducing climate change impacts. In the federalism system with three tiers of governments, local governments also have the authority to develop local level policies and plans to address disasters and climate change impacts. In order to integrate both disasters risk reduction and climate change adaptation, a framework on Local Disaster and Climate Resilient Plan (LDCRP) has been developed and based which have integrated by municipalities to increase climate change adaptation and reduce disaster risk through the preparation and implementations of plans.
This Terms of Reference (ToR) is developed to solicit consultancy support services from qualified individuals or organizations to prepare Local Disaster and Climate Resilience Plan for Devdaha Municipality, Rupandehi. This assignment is part of Urban DRR Project.
As a part of creating enabling environment and supporting local governments, CDM Nepal has a plan to conduct Participatory Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) and develop climate and disaster risks profile including preparation of LDCRP. Participatory Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA) for all wards of Devdaha Municipality is required for LDCRP development. The required tasks of the LDCRP development are to compile the data/information of CVCA assessment, consultation and sharing of CVCA results with ward and municipality officials, collection of secondary data from palikas, mapping of risk sensitive zones using GIS, collection of GPS coordinates and develop maps, and prepare LDCRP report adopting the guideline. The risk profiling of the respective municipality will be incorporate by synthesizing of the information collected including CVCA and GIS mapping during LDCRP development. In the course of development of LDCRP, the project team also intends to orient and participate in consultation with representatives of palika and project staff on risk profiling and LDCRP preparation and to connect with implementation of the these documents with activities related to Climate Change (CC) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
Detail Terms of Reference (TOR) can be downloaded from the following link:
Link: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1LMYolGSRxtrNgMpGcDEV5efmN5y0uTbI
Application and Submission Deadline
Interested consultant/firm who meet the above mentioned requirements are encouraged to apply by submitting their Expression of Interest (EoI) containing Concept Note that outlines the methodology, similar work experiences, brief technical description and capacity of the team that would be engaged in the field and estimated budget to accomplish the aforementioned tasks in a subject line “Development of LDCRP at Devdaha Municipality” to the Procurement Department of CDM Nepal in the email cdm@cdmnepal.org.np. The sealed proposal may be submitted on or before 4:00 pm, Tuesday, 03 Magh 2081 by hand or courier to the following addresses below:
Center for Development and Disaster Management
Basanta Path, Butwal-11, Rupandehi, Nepal
Tel:-071-410224, 9857027002
The proposal must be written in English language with require document. The proposal received after the deadline will not be considered for evaluation. A proposal that meets the requirements and offers the best value for money will be selected.
Category | Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Experience | Please check details |
Education | Please check details |
Posted Date | 03 Jan, 2025 |
Apply Before | 16 Jan, 2025 |
City | Rupandehi |