TERMS OF REFERENCE for Endline study NPL 1067-19 Skill Up! Strengthening Skills Development, Creating Future Perspectives


Details / requirements:



Endline study

NPL 1067-19 Skill Up! Strengthening Skills Development, Creating Future Perspectives


Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany with a dual mandate in both development cooperation and humanitarian response. Welthungerhilfe fights against hunger and works together with civil society organizations in the countries where it operates. Welthungerhilfe’s vision is to create a world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

WHH has been operational in Nepal since 2012, and currently managing different project in eleven districts under four thematic areas: food and nutrition security, right to food and empowerment, disaster risk reduction, and WASH. Our overall goal is to work hand in hand with civil society in Nepal to empower socially marginalized and economically poor citizens to reinforce their resilience and to ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition.

The project titled “Skill Up: Green college for advocacy and promotion of inclusive green economy” (GREEN) aims to accelerate the inclusive economic development activities to the least developed Provinces (that is, Karnali and Sudurpaschim) in Nepal which ensures economic growth (prosperity), environmental protection (planet) and inclusion of most vulnerable and marginalized population groups (people) in the developmental mainstream.

The project is implemented in Karnali Province (Birendranagar, Bheriganga, Gurbakot Panchapuri Municipality in Surkhet district, Sharada Municipality, Sidhha-Kumakh Rural Municipality and Kumakh Rural Municipality in Salyan district) and Sudurpaschim Province (Krishnapur Municipality in Kanchanpur district). The target group of the project are the youth (16 – 25 age groups as priority and 26 – 35 as second priority, gender balanced and inclusion of minority groups) is the primary target group of the project and at least 3,219 (50% women) individuals have been benefitted from the skill transfer activities, including in-house courses (478 youths) and extension-based training approach/ farmer field schools (2,516 farmers).

The overall objective of the project is improving living condition and diversified farming system have improved by applying the Skill Up and green college approach, and with effective advocacy efforts, skill transfer, business incubation and enterprise development.

2. Endline Study Objectives

The study will focus on the collection and analysis of end-line data for a set of indicators outlined in the log-frame, assessing the status of progress and achievement against baseline values of project indicators and targets. In addition, the study will assess the achievement and impact of the intervention in the project intervention showcasing the evidence via stories of changes and failure.

Project Outcome: Living condition and diversified farming system have improved by applying the Skill Up and green college approach, and with effective advocacy efforts, skill transfer, business incubation and enterprise development.


  • Green vocational service providers and entrepreneurs are constantly getting technical, institutional, managerial, information access and incubation services with the establishment of Inclusive Business Incubator (Impact at Scale Center)
  • Green vocational skills provision and enterprise development have been strengthened with the establishment of Green Colleges
  • Multi-sectoral coordination and policy advocacy towards Skill Up approach strengthened at all levels (micro-meso-macro)

Project Key Indicators: 

  • 60% HHs net annual income increased by 20% at target area by end of the project (EoP)
  • At least, 6 economically-viable SMEs (life cycle approach – 4 Rs; recycle, reuse, reduce, refuse) on green sector for employment and revenue generation have been established 
  • 60% targeted farmer field school households produce at least 5 food groups (cereals, pulses, vegetables, oilseeds, eggs/meat)
  • #ms03: # of targeted women aged 15-49 consuming a sufficiently diverse diet
  • 60% trained youths either employed or established their own farms/ business/ start-ups


The scope of the assignment is to carry out the endline study and develop the report. The consultants/firm are expected to collect the endline data using the structured questionnaire provided by the WHH, analyze, and prepare a comprehensive endline report, including the update targets in the logframe. The target audience of the endline study is WHH Nepal, municipalities stakeholders and Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED). The consultant should undertake endline households (HHs) survey by using scientific sampling method following WHH’s standard sample size calculator.


Together with its implementing partners, Welthungerhilfe shall steer and oversee the overall implementation of the study. The assignment will provide quantitative and qualitative data through the following methodology:

a) Preparatory phase 

The preparatory phase includes: 

  • Start-up meeting amongst the study team and WHH Nepal staff and CEAPRED Nepal project team
  • Desk review of documents like project document and periodic progress reports. 
  • Identification of sampling strategy including sample size;
  • Design and finalization of questionnaires, qualitative tools, field work plan and methodology
  • Meeting with the WHH and implementing partners team to finalize the study framework and tools.
  • Submission of inception report and finalized study tools.

b) Fieldwork

The fieldwork includes the collection of relevant quantitative data for the log-frame indicators and any relevant primary data from different sources using tools and techniques as agreed during the preparatory phase. The team will visit project areas:

  • To observe project sites.
  • To carry out household survey and focused group discussions with beneficiary groups.
  • To interact with key stakeholders within the methodology developed above (KII, in-depth interviews, etc).

c) Data analysis and write-up

The end-line assessment team will compile and consolidate relevant primary and secondary information/data (qualitative and quantitative) and draft the report of the end-line as follows:

  • Carry out data analysis in line with the project log-frame. 
  • Share the findings to project staff and management. The consultant/consulting firm will present the preliminary findings during a meeting with WHH and CEAPRED project team. 
  • Prepare the draft report as per the agreed reporting structure.
  • Share the draft report for comments.
  • Address the comments/suggestions from project team and produce final report.


The consultant/consulting firm shall submit the following deliverables:

  • Inception report with detail timeline
  • Clean dataset in a spreadsheet (result compared with baseline vs endline)
  • Final endline report with updated logframe in prescribed format. 
  • Brief sharing meeting after submission of first draft endline report with presentation.
  • Two pager summary report of endline survey including the key infographics.


The study is expected to be accomplished by the end of March 2024 The assignment will be effective from the day of signing the contract. The assignment should not exceed more than 25 working days (including preparatory work, field visit, and report preparation).


All documents and data acquired from documents as well as during HHs survey interviews and meetings are confidential and to be used solely for the purpose of the endline.  The quantitative data should be kept by consultant in confidential way adhering WHH data protection policy. The deliverables as well as all material linked to this study (produced by the consultant or the organization itself) are confidential and remain at all times property of the contracting party.


The endline study will be led by a professional with specific expertise and more than seven years working experience in research, preferably in the area of skill and enterprise development.

The consultant/consulting firm are required to have the following expertise and qualifications:

  • The team leader must have master’s degree in development studies, monitoring and evaluation or equivalent degree.
  • The team leader must have knowledge of project cycle management (PCM); base-line/endline study methods and techniques, including a thorough understanding of data collection, methodologies and design, and strong research skills, with +5 years of working experience in development project monitoring, baseline/endline study. Similarly, Team leader should have proven experience on funding patterns of local government especially in development budget. 
  • Team should be inclusive in terms of gender perspectives.
  • Have proven track records of conducted baseline/endline studies and use of mix methods.
  • The team leader and members must have prior work experience with or working for international development/research organizations and familiarity with development and humanitarian programmes/issues. 
  • The team should include experts with knowledge and experience in TVET, skill and enterprise development, and advocacy.
  • The composition of the team of experts should be balanced to enable complete coverage of the different aspects of consultancy as set out in these terms of reference. 
  • The consultant(s)/consulting firm must have good command in both writing and speaking in English languages.


Applicants must provide technical and financial offers, including:

  • Technical offer including a brief description of the overall design, methodology of the endline study including sample size, tool, etc. The technical offer cannot exceed 5 pages and must comply with the Terms of Reference.
  • Detailed workplan/timetable 
  • Financial offer detailing the proposed budget for the endline study. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective Tax/VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and any other costs. 
  • CVs of team leader and team members
  • Legal documents (registration & tax clearance in case of consulting firm and PAN/Vat registration card for individual).
  • Organization profile
  • At least two sample endline reports conducted by team organization/team leader








Personals (A)

Team Leader (having expert with data analysis)


Sub total

Logistics (B)

Travel & accommodation cost

Materials cost


Subtotal (B)

Total (A+B)


The interested and qualified consultant(s)/ consulting firm must submit their technical and financial proposal, including Supplier Declaration form (link given below), legal documents (registration & tax clearance in case of consulting firm and PAN/ Vat registration card for individual) and CVs of key personnel by 17:00 hours (COB) dated  15 Feb 2024 via email address procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de with subject line: “NPL 1067 – Endline Study”. Applications received with incomplete documents and later than the above mentioned date will be disqualified.

Please go through the link below to download the Supplier Declaration form:


Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without providing any reasons.


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 08 Feb, 2024
Apply Before 15 Feb, 2024
City Lalitpur