Terms of Reference for Consultant for Facilitating a Two-Day Horizontal Learning Program

Women Empowerment Action Forum Nepal

Details / requirements:

Women Empowerment Action Forum Nepal (WEAF)

Terms of Reference for Consultant 


Facilitating a Two-Day Horizontal Learning Program

1. Background

The Promotion of Youth Engagement in Local Governance Process (PROYEL) project is implemented by the Women Empowerment Action Forum Nepal (WEAF) in partnership with the European Union and Helvetas Nepal. The project aims to promote active participation of youth in governance processes at the local level. Over the past three years, PROYEL has been working with youth panels and local governments in five municipalities (Gurans RM, Dungeshwor RM, Simta RM, Lekbeshi Municipality and Bheri Municipality) of Karnali to strengthen youth involvement in decision-making and development processes.

As part of the project's learning and capacity-building initiatives, WEAF is hosting a two-day horizontal learning program. This event will bring together five PROYEL working municipalities and five neighboring municipalities, providing a platform to highlight the accomplishments and best practices of youth entities and local governments across the ten municipalities. The program aims to foster cross-learning and collaboration among all participants.

2. Objective of the Consultancy

The main goal of the consultancy is to lead the two-day horizontal learning program, ensuring an effective exchange of knowledge and best practices between youth panels and local government representatives. The consultant will also be tasked with designing and conducting interactive sessions that showcase the successes and lessons learned from the PROYEL project, while assisting other participating municipalities in organizing, presenting, and sharing their best practices.

3. Scope of Work

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • A well-defined methodology should be included along with the technical proposal.
  • Develop an agenda for the two-day program in consultation with WEAF, incorporating interactive learning sessions, presentations, and group discussions.
  • Facilitate the entire program, ensuring active participation from youth panel members and local government representatives.
  • Incorporate innovative learning techniques, such as case studies, role plays, and group exercises to enhance engagement and learning.
  • Help participants identify and document key achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the PROYEL project over the past three years.
  • Present a consolidated overview of these achievements during the program.
  • Facilitate discussions on best practices in youth engagement and governance, encouraging knowledge sharing between the five PROYEL working municipalities and the five surrounding municipalities.
  • Support participants in identifying areas for future collaboration and networking.
  • Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the proceedings, key discussions, and outcomes of the two-day learning program.
  • Design and administer pre- and post-tests that provide numerical results
  • Include actionable recommendations for improving youth engagement in local governance based on the feedback and discussions during the program.

4. Expected Deliverables

The consultant is expected to deliver the following:

  • A detailed agenda for the two-day horizontal learning program.
  • Facilitation of the entire event, ensuring active participation and engagement from all participants.
  • A comprehensive report documenting the key achievements, challenges, and lessons learned from the PROYEL project, as well as the outcomes of the program.
  • Recommendations for enhancing youth engagement in local governance.

5. Duration of the Assignment

The consultant will be hired for a total of 5 days, including:

  • 2 days for program design and preparation.
  • 2 days for facilitating the horizontal learning program.
  • 1 day for report writing and submission.

6. Qualifications and Experience

The ideal consultant will possess the following qualifications:

  • A Master’s degree in Governance, Social Sciences, Public Administration, or a related field.
  • At least 5 years of experience in facilitating workshops, trainings, or learning programs, preferably in the area of youth engagement and governance.
  • Strong knowledge of local governance processes and youth participation frameworks in Nepal.
  • Excellent facilitation, communication, and documentation skills.
  • Prior experience working with local governments and youth organizations is highly desirable.

7. Evaluation and Proposal Template 

There are three sets of evaluation criteria, relating to;

7.1 Qualification of the Consultant (25):

The Qualification of the Consultant will receive and overall score out of 25 using the breakdown in the evaluation grid below;



Maximum Score



Educational Qualification


Demonstrated experience in conduct learning sharing events, of local governance processes and youth participation


Demonstrated experience in program design and report writing


7.2 Technical Proposal (45)

Consultants are requested to submit their technical proposal according to structure and content given below. The number of pages indicated for each chapter must be respected. The technical proposal will receive an overall score out of 45 using the breakdown in the evaluation grid below;


Content of the chapter

Maximum page

Maximum Score

Cover Page

Name of the consultant: 

Name of the Project: 


Contact Number:


Understanding of the project

It shall demonstrate how well the overall project idea is understood by the consultant


Understanding of the assignment

It shall demonstrate how well the specific assignment understand by the consultant and what value the can consultant can add to achieve the objective


Proposed methodology and activities necessary to meet the objectives

It shall list and explain methodology and all activities in sequential order including the time plan


7.3 Financial Proposal (30)

Consultants are requested to submit their financial proposal according to the structure and content given below. The financial proposal will receive an overall score out of 30. The consultant shall propose the daily rates and the total amount in Nepali currency.





Rate (NPR)

Total (NPR)


Human resource





8. Application Process

Interested private firms should submit the following documents:

  • A detailed CV highlighting relevant experience and qualifications.
  • PAN/VAT registration certificate 
  • Tax Clearance certificate  
  • A short proposal outlining the approach to the assignment, including methodology and work plan.
  • A financial proposal indicating the consultant’s daily rate and total cost for the assignment.

9. Submission of Proposals:

Interested private firms and NGOs registered in VAT who meet the above requirements should apply by submitting their technical and financial proposals (not more than 5 pages) and updated CV that clearly outlines the following to accomplish the assignment emailed to weafnepal2004@gmail.com

All applications should be submitted via given email no later than 1 October 2024. Hard copy with the same subject line can also be submitted to the Office address: Women Empowerment Action Forum Nepal (WEAF), Nayabazar Dailekh, Phone number: 089-420231. The only short-listed proposal will be contacted for further discussion.


WEAF reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to cancel the selection process at any time without providing any reasons. The selected consultant will be required to adhere to WEAF's policies and procedures throughout the duration of the consultancy.


Category Development and Project, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 18 Sep, 2024
Apply Before 01 Oct, 2024
City Dailekh