TERMS OF REFERENCE For Consultancy Service to document Case stories and photos of different approaches of project


Details / requirements:



Consultancy Service to document Case stories and photos of different approaches of project


Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.v. is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany with a dual mandate in both development cooperation and humanitarian response. Welthungerhilfe (WHH) fights against hunger and works together with civil society organizations in the countries where it operates. Welthungerhilfe’s vision is to create a world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.

WHH has been operational in Nepal since 2012, and currently managing different project in eleven districts under four thematic areas: food and nutrition security, right to food and empowerment, disaster risk reduction, and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The overall goal of the organization is to work hand in hand with civil society in Nepal to empower socially marginalized and economically poor citizens to reinforce their resilience and to ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition.

WHH is implementing" Building resilience and nutrition security in the Kamala River Basin project in partnership with Aasaman,nepal in three municipalities of Siraha district. The overall objective of the project is to enhance the food security status of the target households sustainably secured through the practice of diversified cropping systems and nutrition and WASH behavior. It has adopted the approaches of Sustainable Integrated farming system (SIFS) for diversifying farm produce. Nutrition promotion through NERP (Nutrition Education Rehabilitation Program/Camps) as   immediate response and Linking Agriculture and Natural Resource Management towards Nutrition Security (LANN+) for long term response of malnourishment were the two-way strategies adopted. Furthermore, Gradual sensitization of the local government on nutrition sensitive planning and empowering the community-based organization for advocating in nutrition related issues for contributing the nutrition governance enhancement is adopted. The major results of the project are:

Result 1: Smallholder and landless households have improved availability and access to diverse foods. 

Result 2: Targeted households adopt improved nutrition, care and hygiene practices. 

Result 3: The municipalities have improved their nutrition governance with enhanced engagement of citizens, in particular the marginalized groups.


The major objective of the assignment are:

  1. To document the case stories related to project activities and approach 
  2. To develop the the booklet with case stories   
  3. To document the activity and impact in the form of photo story


1. Review of Existing Materials:

Desk review of project documents and report ii) start-up meeting between WHH Nepal staffsand partner iii) design and draft the actual plan including field work, iv) Meeting with the WHH Nepal to finalize the task framework and tool, outline the tools and template as required.

2. Field work:

The task team will visit project areas, observe project sites, and conduct relevant exercise like coordination with partner, interaction with local stakeholders, communities and relevant groups.

3. Drafting the documents

The task team will compile and consolidate relevant primary case story and photo stories for drafting the documentation. A draft report with final design will be shared to WHH for comments and feedbacks. The task team will submit final documents after incorporating their comments, if any. Ensure that the materials produced  are user-friendly, culturally sensitive, and accessible to a diverse audience.


The consultant/firm, in close coordination with Welthungerhilfe Nepal shall submit the following deliverables:

  • An inception report including methodology, tools and template and workplan. 
  • Presentation of preliminary findings with WHH project team
  • Develop booklet on 20 case stories and community voices (Nepali and English) at least 30 pages 
  • Signed consent form from participants
  • Final photos with caption in separate file or, photo stories at least 25 pages.
  • Final ready to print product incorporating inputs and design


The consultant/firm is expected to complete the assignment within 2 months after signing the contract.


  • To provide technical assistance during the overall development process
  • To provide preliminary data and information related to project  as a reference in close coordination with Partner 
  • To provide financial support for the study


  • To carry out the activities with the support  of WHH team and in close coordination with partner 
  • To inform WHH about the progress through clear communication
  • To maintain the confidentiality of collected data, follow the child protection protocols, and adopt safeguarding measures during field, collaboration and data collection period.
  • To share the draft of deliverables to WHH for further consultation and finalization
  • To finalize the data collection plans and tools in consultation with WHH 


The stories and photos  will be  collected from three working palikas of Siraha District (Siraha, Karjhana and Kalyanpur)


Applicants must provide technical and financial offers, including:

  • Technical offer including a brief description of the overall design, methodology of the study. The technical offer cannot exceed 8-10 pages and must comply with the Terms of Reference.
  • Detailed workplan/timetable, consultant/consulting firm are requested to submit their detail plan with very distinct timeline vs activities to cover study period.
  • Financial offer detailing the proposed budget for the study. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective Tax/VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and any other costs. 
  • CVs of proposed team members.








Human Resource (A)

Sub total (A)

Travel (B)

Subtotal (B)

Total (A+B)


The consulting team will be led by a senior professional with more than five years experience and expertise on case story collection, community voices, compilation, publication, Photography  preferably working experience with development organization and I/NGOs. Familiary with context of Madhesh province and speak and understand  maithali language  will be added value. The composition of team should have the expertise of socio-economic context. The table below summarizes the role and responsibility of the task team.

Position (no)

Required qualification and experience

Assigned task

Team Leader (1)

Minimum master’s degree in related field, with more than 5 years of experience, sufficient experience to document case stories, photo stories, process documentation and development communication. S/he has strong knowledge of photography; and socio-economic context.

Lead case story revisiting and production, including design of methodology, field planning, and conduct the field documentation, supervision on information analysis, compilation of information of different theme and final document preparation. S/he must present the finding to project team.

Photography Expert (1)

Bachelor’s degree in relevant with five years’ experience. S/he must have strong knowledge of photography, editing, publication etc. Should have sufficient experience in publication of document in English/Nepali related to development organization.

Support to prepare the methodology and tools to the team leader and must lead photography component. Should be done for quality photo selection, capturing, reviewing for reporting. Participate in finding sharing meeting to project team and incorporate comments in findings.


The interested and qualified consultant(s)/ consulting firm and organization must submit their technical and financial proposal, including Supplier Declaration form, legal documents (company registration, VAT registration & latest tax clearance) and CVs of key personnel by 17:00 hours (COB) dated 28 July 2024 via procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de Applications received with incomplete documents and later than the above-mentioned date will be disqualified.

Please go through the link below to download the Supplier Declaration form:


Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without providing any reasons.


Category Photography, Leadership, Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Openings 2
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 12 Jul, 2024
Apply Before 28 Jul, 2024
City Lalitpur