Terms of Reference for Action Research on “The Role of Livelihood Support Programs in Achieving Gender Equality and Women Empowerment”

Islamic Relief Nepal

Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference for Action Research on

“The Role of Livelihood Support Programs in Achieving Gender Equality and Women Empowerment”

1.     Introduction 

Islamic Relief Worldwide is a UK-based independent international humanitarian organization that delivers development programs and humanitarian relief worldwide, regardless of race, political affiliation, gender, or beliefs (www.islamic-relief.org). With over 40 years of experience and a presence in more than 40 countries, Islamic Relief works to create a fairer world for those still living in poverty. In Nepal, Islamic Relief Nepal (IRNP) operates as an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) registered with the Social Welfare Council. Through its projects, it provides vulnerable populations with access to essential services, protects communities, women, and children during disasters, and delivers life-saving emergency aid. By addressing the root causes of poverty, IRNP empowers individuals and communities to transform their lives. Currently, the organization is working in Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, and Jajarkot districts through various local implementing partners.

2.     Background

With funding support from Islamic Relief Canada, IRNP is implementing two projects through local partner NGOs to enhance community resilience and tackle critical social issues in Madhesh province, Nepal.

Project-1: Strengthening Community Resilience in Bara District of Nepal (SCR). 

The SCR project is being implemented in Mahagadhimai Municipality and Subarna Rural Municipality of Bara district in partnership with the local NGO Jagaran Youth Club (JJYC). The SCR project aims to enhance well-being, food security, WASH, and resilience among the poorest households affected by climate change impacts in Bara district, Province 2, Nepal. The project commenced from 1st July 2022 and will be completed by 30th June 2025. The project focuses on achieving its goals through three interconnected outcomes: 

Outcome 1 (Improved Food Security and Resilience): Vulnerable households achieve better food security, increased income, and enhanced resilience. 

Outcome 2 (Strengthened Protection Mechanisms): Communities, families, and children gain awareness of protection issues and benefit from improved preventive and responsive protection systems, 

Outcome 3 (Sustainable WASH Practices): Children and their families consistently use basic or improved latrines, adopt better sanitation practices, and access reliable and safe drinking water sources.

The SCR project benefits approximately 2,400 households (14,345 individuals, 51% women) through targeted interventions aimed at fostering resilience and sustainable livelihoods over the project period. By promoting climate-adaptive technologies, sustainable practices, and climate risk awareness, the project enhances agricultural productivity, supports entrepreneurship, and strengthens food security among beneficiary families.

A key focus of the project is to ensure sustained income for rightsholders by providing comprehensive livelihood packages that combine capacity-building, skill development, and asset support. These packages enable rightsholders to initiate, sustain, and expand their livelihood activities effectively. To date, the project has supported 400 farmers (383 women, 17 men) with resources and training to adopt climate-resilient farming practices, 282 small-scale entrepreneurs (214 women, 68 men) with business development assistance, and 116 livestock-rearing rightsholders (99 women, 17 men) with training to improve livestock management and goat support. The project beneficiaries include poor and subsistence-level small and marginal farmers, families from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, orphaned children, and individuals who are survivors of or at risk of gender-based violence. Most of the beneficiaries belong to marginalized and vulnerable groups, including Muslims and Dalits, who face significant social and economic challenges. The project beneficiaries include marginalized groups, including small-scale farmers, economically disadvantaged families, orphans, and gender-based violence survivors, with a focus on vulnerable Muslims and Dalits. 

The project has extended safe drinking water and sanitation coverage by constructing water and sanitation facilities, including hand pumps, toilets and bathing cubicles. The Community-Led Total Sanitation campaign has improved WASH knowledge and practices in target communities. Functional protection mechanisms, such as ward protection committees and community awareness activities, have positively changed the attitudes of youths, parents, community leaders, and officials, fostering greater support and protection for survivors and at-risk children and women.

Project-2: Accelerating Actions to Reduce Gender-Based Violence (GARVA). 

This project is being carried out in Chandrapur and Rajpur Municipalities of Rautahat district in collaboration with another local NGO in Rautahat, the Rural Development Center (RDC). The GARVA project aims to reduce gender-based violence (GBV) and enhance the well-being of 34,155 individuals, including women, men, girls, and boys, in Rajpur and Chandrapur Municipalities of Rautahat district. This multi-year project started from 1st June 2023 and will continue until November end 2026. The project focuses on achieving its objectives through three key outcomes:

Outcome 1 (Enhanced Livelihood Opportunities): Providing livelihood opportunities for 1,000 GBV survivors and at-risk women and girls in Rajpur and Chandrapur Municipalities.

Outcome 2 (Improved Awareness and Protection): Educating communities, families, and children on protection issues, fostering better attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors, and enhancing preventive and responsive protection mechanisms.

Outcome 3 (Strengthened Public Services): Improving the delivery of public services and GBV prevention efforts in Chandrapur and Rajpur Municipalities and across Rautahat district.

The GARVA project was developed based on lessons learned and recommendations from the GBV Phase-I initiative, implemented in Rajpur and Rajdevi municipalities of Rautahat district, which concluded in August 2022. The GARVA project aims to economically empower 1,000 GBV survivors and at-risk women and girls. To date, 929 women and girls have been supported through various livelihood schemes, including small business initiatives and livestock-rearing support.

The supported rightsholders are organized into 40 Self-Help Groups (SHGs), each comprising 25 members, to amplify their collective voices and advocate for women's economic rights. Similarly, 40 Social Support Groups (SSGs) are engaging the male family members of supported women and girls. Training sessions involving women, girls, and their male guardians are fostering conditions for sustained income growth for supported women and girls and their improved access to credit for business investment. This approach promotes greater participation of women and girls in household decision-making and enhances their control over income for personal and family needs.  Additionally, SHG members are collectively advocating for the recognition and protection of women's economic rights. 

The project engages religious leaders and community influencers through the Channels of Hope methodology and has formed 12 Community Hope Action Teams (CHAT) with the engagement of those religious leaders and community influencers. The project also collaborates with teachers and health volunteers to raise awareness on GBV, human rights, and reproductive health. Public campaigns, youth mobilization, and peer education challenge harmful social norms and promote positive change. Educational support for children at-risk school drop-out, together with parental awareness on child rights, is reducing dropouts and early marriages. Improved bathing facilities further protect women and girls from GBV risks. By strengthening community networks and empowering women and girls economically, the project aims to positively impact the attitudes, behaviors, and protection of 34,155 individuals. The project collaborates with different government service providing bodies including One Stop Crisis Management Centers (OCMCs), Judicial Committees, and Women’s Cells to enhance GBV prevention and response. By fostering multisectoral coordination among municipalities, service providers, and community groups, it ensures accessible and confidential support for survivors.

Both the SCR and GARVA projects have specifically targeted female rightsholders, with a particular focus on those from low-income households, survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), and other at-risk women and girls. These individuals have been provided with a tailored and comprehensive livelihood support package, designed to enhance their economic independence and address their needs. The support provided is based on their individual skills, preferences, past experiences and scope of support provided. Under the SCR project, 214 women received assistance in initiating or expanding micro-enterprise initiatives, 99 were supported in livestock rearing, and 383 female farmers benefited from agricultural input support to improve their farming practices. Similarly, in the GARVA project, 929 women and girls were supported through diverse livelihood options, including small businesses and livestock rearing, aimed to foster self-reliance and financial security.

In line with these efforts, Islamic Relief Nepal is commissioning a comprehensive action research study, led by a team of expert researchers. The study will explore the role of livelihood support programs, specifically micro-enterprises, livestock rearing, and agricultural assistance, in transforming gender dynamics within households. It will examine the factors that drive or hinder women's engagement in these activities, and how their involvement affects their financial empowerment and decision-making roles within their families. The research will provide critical insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by female rightsholders, and how these programs can better support gender equality and empowerment.

The findings are expected to offer valuable insights into refining existing interventions and shaping future initiatives that will enhance women's participation in income-generating activities. By understanding the impact of these programs on gender roles and household decision-making, Islamic Relief Nepal aims to design more effective strategies for empowering women and promoting financial independence in the long term.

3.    Objectives

The major objective of this action research is to understand how the project targeted inventions is contributing to achieve the gender equality and women empowerment.

2.     Research Questions

Following are the specific research questions-

  • How do household gender norms influence women’s ability to run income-generating activities (IGAs) and their diversification?
  • How women’s participation in livelihood activities influences their roles in household decision-making, particularly in financial and resource management decisions.
  • What additional factors influence women’s ability to challenge traditional gender norms, even when they are provided with opportunities to access livelihoods?
  • How can women’s empowerment improve household food security when women are involved in improved farming practices?
  • How do the interventions implemented under these projects contribute to enhancing the resilience of supported rightsholders (beneficiaries)?

3.     Geographical Scope

The research will concentrate on Rautahat and Bara districts in Madhesh Province, specifically targeting Chandrapur and Rajpur municipalities in Rautahat and Mahagadhimai Municipality and Subarna Rural Municipality in Bara. These locations are selected based on the ongoing implementation of the GARVA and SCR projects in the region.

4.    Intended Users

The primary intended users of the research are, Project staffs, funding partners, implementing partners, academic institute, students and researchers. 

5.     Methodology 

The researcher is expected to provide a detailed research framework, outlining the methodology, study design, sampling strategy, data collection tools and analysis techniques, limitation and ethical consideration based on the research question. 

6.     Indicative Timeframe 

The consultant selection and contract process are assumed to be completed by end 3rd week of February 2025. The research is expected to be completed within a three-month period following the signing of the contract, with the anticipated timeline from the February end 2025 to the end of May 2025. The working days will not be more than 30 days in 3 months. 

7.     Deliverables

The electronic copies of all deliverables are to be submitted to Islamic Relief Nepal. Deliverables include

  • An inception report within 15 days of contract signing, detailing the research design, methodology, tools, data collection approach, work plan and timeline.  
  • Draft research report in English by the last week of April 2025 including key findings, analysis, and preliminary recommendations.
  • Presentation on research findings in the first week of May 2025 incorporating data analysis, findings and recommendations.
  • Final comprehensive research report in English by end of May 2025. 

8.     Payment Schedule

First instalment: 40% upon successful completion of the first deliverable. 

Second instalment: 30% upon successful completion of second and third deliverables.

Final instalment: 30% upon completion of the last two remaining deliverables, as approved by Islamic Relief Nepal.

9.     Quality and Ethical Standards

During the conduction of research, the consultant should take all reasonable steps to ensure research is designed and conducted respecting and protecting the dignity, rights and welfare of the people, communities, stakeholders, and authorities involved and ensuring that the research is technically accurate and reliable, is conducted professionally and impartially, and with full accountability.

  • Utility: The research should produce actionable insights that support learning and inform decision-making.
  • Feasibility: Research design and implementation should be realistic, diplomatic, and managed in a cost-effective and time-sensitive manner.
  • Ethics & Legality: The research must adhere to ethical and legal standards, ensuring the welfare, privacy, and rights of participants and affected communities.
  • Impartiality: Findings should be unbiased, providing a balanced perspective that reflects the views and interests of all stakeholders.
  • Accuracy: The research must be technically accurate, grounded in sound methodology, and provide comprehensive data, analysis, and interpretation.
  • Participation and Inclusivity: Engage key stakeholders at various stages, encouraging active participation and ensuring diverse perspectives are represented.
  • Collaboration: Foster collaboration among different levels and groups to strengthen the research’s credibility and relevance.
  • Consent: Obtain informed consent and clearly communicate research objectives, processes, and findings to stakeholders to foster trust and openness.
  • Intellectual Property: The Consultant agrees that the information obtained remains confidential and obtain prior written approval from Islamic Relief Nepal for any publication or citation.

The consultant will sign and comply with Islamic Relief's Code of Conduct on Safeguarding and Protection Against Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (PESA).

10. Required Competencies and Qualifications

  • The Principal Investigator should have at least a master’s degree in the relevant subject area of research with prior experience of conducting action research.
  • A minimum of 6 years of relevant experience in conducting research across various social science domains and societal contexts.
  • Expertise in developing research frameworks, methodologies, and data collection tools, with proficiency in applying research tools and approaches for data analysis.
  • Ability to design detailed research plans and prepare high quality, clear and concise research reports.
  • Strong analytical skills with a proven ability to link research findings to evidence-based recommendations and solutions and present results in a clear and accessible manner.
  • Strong organizational skills and experience in managing multiple aspects of research projects, including timelines, resources, and deliverables.
  • Demonstrated understanding of and commitment to ethical considerations in research.
  • Previous experience working with communities conducting action research and/or using participatory approaches.
  • Ability to work effectively in a team, collaborating with diverse stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, and I/NGOs.

11. Evaluation Criteria

The technical and financial proposals will be evaluated separately and have 70% and 30% scores respectively. So, the consultant should submit both technical and financial proposal. The proposal’s evaluation is based on the given criteria. 

1.Technical Proposal70
2.Understanding of Terms of Reference and Scope of Work10

Methodologies: Method, design, sampling method, data and information collection tools, collection procedure, analysis process and tool, interpretation and report.


interpretation and report

Proven experience in conducting research and studies, ideally focused on Gender, Protection, Inclusion and Human Rights

5.Individual/organizational profile and division of responsibility10
B.Quality of the sample research report/s10

Financial Proposal (Value for Money)30


12.    Application Procedure

Interested candidates, firms and agencies are mandatory to submit the following documents by 11 February 2025 with the subject REF: ACTION_RESEARCH_IRW_SCR_GARVA to info.nepal@islamic-relief.org.np

a.      Letter of interest/motivation

b.     Technical proposal 

  • The consultants’ suitability for the assignment and match previous work experience, qualifications etc.
  • How the team will be composed and the division of work between team members.
  • Discussion of the work methodology and approaches that will be used.
  • Draft work plan and suggested timetable.

c.    Financial proposal

  • Economic offer and budget break down.

d.     Professional profile of the researcher/ research team/ company (CV/Resume of Principal investigator and Co- Investigator/s).

e.     Soft copy of research report (at least one report) on similar issues or topics. 

For firms/agencies, the following additional documents must be submitted:

Valid certificate of company registration

  • Valid copy of tax registration certificate
  • Tax clearance certificate (2080/81)
  • Islamic Relief Worldwide, Country Office Nepal

House no. 482, Kumaripati-5 (Near United Academy)

Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal

Contact no: +977 1 5437610


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 23 Jan, 2025
Apply Before 11 Feb, 2025
City Lalitpur