Terms of Reference: Feasibility Study for the project proposal


Details / requirements:

Terms of Reference

Feasibility Study for the project proposal

Project title: Food security and resilient livelihoods with focus on earthquake affected families through civil society strengthening (SUSTAIN)

1. Introduction of Welthungerhilfe

Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is one of the largest private aid organizations in Germany with a dual mandate in both development cooperation and humanitarian response. WHH works today in more than 35 countries in multi-actor and multi-country partnership programs in various sectors. The annual turnover is around USD 300 million, currently implementing 250 projects of humanitarian assistance, development, and research components. Since more than 60 years, WHH fights against hunger and works together with civil society organizations in the countries where it operates. Welthungerhilfe’s vision is to create a world in which all people can exercise their right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty. 

The country office in Nepal has supported so far approximately 37 projects with local partners at a volume of Euros 35 million since its establishment in 2012. The country office currently manages 11 projects at a volume of Euros 13 million across eleven districts in five provinces under four thematic areas: food and nutrition security, right to food and empowerment, disaster risk reduction and humanitarian, and WASH. The provinces include Madhesh, Bagmati, Lumbini, Karnali and Sudurpachhim. We aim to contribute to social inclusion in Nepal by empowering socially marginalized and economically poor citizens to strengthen their resilience and ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition.

2. Background of the proposed project

Local communities and smallholder farmers in remote areas of Karnali struggle with low agriculture production, food and nutrition insecurity and related health issues, and a lack of livelihood opportunities. An earthquake that struck in November 2023 has further aggravated the situation of already marginalized communities. The scientist warns that the recent earthquake in Jajarkot showed some release of stored energy, but the risk of a more significant event persists in Western Nepal.

The project aims to improve food security and resilient livelihoods of earthquake affected families through civil society strengthening.

Project title

Food security and resilient livelihoods with focus on earthquake affected families through civil society strengthening (SUSTAIN)

Target region

Karnali Province: Barekot RM in Jajarkot and Aathabiskot RM in Rukum West

Target groups

2,500 Marginalized HHs and smallholder farmers (Dalits, Janajatis, women, youth, PWD) in Jajarkot, Rukum West earthquake affected families and individuals.

Project Objective

Improve livelihoods in local food systems for resilient communities with focus on earthquake affected households.

Project outputs (results)

Increased household food security for vulnerable families; local youth are capacitated and benefit from sustainable livelihood opportunities; strengthened CSOs engage in advocacy for resilient livelihoods.

3. Objectives and tasks

3.1. Overall objective of the feasibility study

The objective of the feasibility study is to provide WHH Nepal with a well-founded basis for the further development of the project concept by clarifying the pre-requisites, opportunities and risks and providing information on how to improve/optimize to design a project proposal. The study will assess the technical, economic, financial, environmental, disaster preparedness, social, and institutional feasibility of the proposed project and systematically check the extent to which the project approach can plausibly achieve the planned changes under the existing framework conditions.

The study will assess the current situation on food and nutrition security, climate change and agrobiodiversity issues, local enterprise, and livelihood options, WASH and women empowerment and gender barriers and access to government services and status of civil societies in proposed areas. Further, the study will explore existing policies and programmes of local and provincial governments related to food and nutrition security, livelihood, DRR and agro-biodiversity and GEDSI.

Overall, the study should analyse the situation and context, the problems resulting thereof and the target groups and stakeholders, at micro, meso and macro (national) level elaborating specific recommendations for the design of the project. The feasibility study will be used by WHH Nepal team and the identified implementing partner/s as an important tool for drafting the project proposal, thus close consultation with WHH and the partner/s at every step is required.

3.2. Tasks assigned to the selected consultant

The consultant is responsible for planning and implementing the feasibility study, including forming, and leading the feasibility study team, if required. In particular, the consultant is responsible for:

1. Preparing a detailed study design including timeline, methodology, research techniques, sample used, etc. The consultant shall present the feasibility study design and planning to WHH team for approval.

2. Describing the context of the planned project at all relevant levels (micro, meso, macro), including any essential data relevant to understand the present situation. The elaboration of context and problem analysis should include but not limit to:

  • What is the current situation in target area? 
  • What does the socio-economic, political, and cultural context look like? 
  • What current problems have been identified in the life situations of the target groups relating civil society mobilization, women empowerment, food security, nutrition, WASH and DRR/climate, gender, governance and local enterprise and livelihoods? Are relevant to the project design? What are their causes and how do they impact on the living conditions of population groups? Which of the causes are prioritised and addressed in the project?
  • What are the local government priorities in terms of livelihoods/enterprise and nutrition, DRR and existing plans/strategies/policies and how the proposed project will support to these priorities.  
  • Are there other donors/implementing organizations working on above mentioned areas? if yes, how is it possible to develop the synergies and coordination and collaboration?

3. Developing a detailed socio-economic target group analysis, including but not limited to: 

  • Are the proposed target groups in line with local context and vulnerabilities? If yes, why? Which groups are most vulnerable? what extent does the project have to consider this to prioritize the target groups?
  • What criteria should be used in the selection of the target group? 
  • Are there possibly several target groups affected in different ways by the problems? 
  • What are the needs of the target group? How can these needs be addressed? 
  • What is the role of the target group(s) in the broader social context? What conflicts of interest could arise between the target group and other non-target groups because of the support provided through the project? Are there conflicts of interest between other actors?
  • Which self-help potential does the respective target groups have? How can local problem-solving capacities be strengthened?
  • What is the target group’s potential especially about ownership/initiative, self-help activities and local problem-solving capacity? 
  • How many community-based organizations (CBOs) and networks are functional in the area? What nature/type of CBOs/networks exists? What is the major strength of local CBOs?

4. Elaborating of a detailed stakeholder analysis, including but not limited to:

  • Stakeholder map (governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, local authorities, CBOs,) including their interests, position, influence. What potential contributions can be expected from the identified actors? How should be developed the collaboration/coordination? (meso/macro)
  • How does the planned project fit in with the federal/provincial/local development strategy/policies/plan/programmes on related issues? 
  • Do the municipalities have already Palika-wide food and nutrition plan, DRR and WASH? Do they have the required knowledge, skills, understanding?
  • What are the interests of the stakeholders? Are there any visible conflicts of interest? What interdependencies are to be expected between the project and other interventions/projects supported by the stakeholders? How will this be taken into account in the project concept? 
  • Do the stakeholders share a common understanding of the problem(s) and of the project objectives derived thereof? 
  • How strong is the various stakeholders' support for the project? How much influence could they exert on the project? 
  • Communities, civil society groups, local institutions and local authorities have the willingness of accepting and participating in the proposed project?

5. Completing a detailed risk analysis including political, socio-economic, logistical, financial, environmental risks and mitigating actions that lie within the project's scope.

6. Elaborating concrete suggestions and recommendations to be incorporated into the project based on the main findings and assessment, such as:

  • Which components, if any, are missing in the project concept to make the cause-effect relationships more coherent and to sustainably achieve the planned objectives?
  • Which planned components are not suitable or could have negative effects, and for what reasons? 
  • Which assumptions of the cause-effect relationships are viable?
  • Which findings and relevant data of the study are suitable to be integrated into the project logic/impact matrix of the project proposal? 
  • What are the recommendations for possible indicators for impact monitoring and data collection?

4. Methodology 

The methodology design of the feasibility study will be proposed by the consultant and approved by WHH, but it should comprise a combination of: 

  • Literature review
  • Qualitative data collection and analysis (KIIs and FGDs with community, target group and concern stakeholders)
  • Field observations.

The choice of methods must take into account the needs and capacities of the different target groups and stakeholders. The persons to be interviewed/consulted are representatives of the different stakeholders to be involved in the project, including Local and province government, thematic officers (women, health, agriculture, WASH, DRR), local representatives, and target groups such as marginalized women, dalit, landless HHs, youth, FCHVs, etc. The consultant will be responsible for planning and implementing the feasibility study; however, close consultation with WHH Nepal team at every step and coordination with the partners is required.

5. Geographical scope

The feasibility study is to be undertaken for a project that will be implemented in Barkekot in Jajarkot and Aathbiskot in Rukum West.

6. Deliverables 

  1. An inception report including a detailed design and work plan for the elaboration of the feasibility study (see 3.2 “Tasks assigned to the selected consultant”)
  2. Draft report in English (max. 30 pages + annexes) and presentation to WHH 
  3. Final report, including executive summary, in English (max. 30 pages + annexes), no later than 5 days after receiving comments on the draft report.  
  4. Debriefing meeting with WHH after submission of draft report with detail presentation
  5. Submit 2 pager extract of the feasibility study report.

7. Timeline

The consultancy duration is 30 days and study should be completed (that is, final report should be submitted within this timeframe).

8. Qualification and experience required.

The consultant or team of consultants must meet the following criteria: 

  1. Master or equivalent advanced degree in social sciences, management, organizational development, or other relevant academic fields. 
  2. Excellent track record in designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research, analysis, feasibility studies and evaluations (5 to 8 years minimum) with focus in livelihoods/enterprise, DRR and WASH and nutrition and organizational development. 
  3. Knowledge of the functioning and needs of local governments. 
  4. Experience in undertaking research with most vulnerable communities. 
  5. Ability to conduct high quality research, meet deadlines and respond to requests and feedback provided timely and appropriately. 
  6. Strong analytical and synthesis skills and excellent skills in dialogue and negotiation. 
  7. Flexible, independent, good communication skills. 
  8. Excellent spoken and written English. 
  9. The consultant is required to liaise regularly with WHH Nepal team and its partners and is expected to deliver results in a timely manner.

9. Submission of proposals

The interested and qualified consultant/ consulting firm must apply by 17:00 hours (COB) dated 28 July 2024 via email address given below (subject of the email “Feasibility Study- SUSTAIN”) Email: procurement.nepal@welthungerhilfe.de. The proposal should include the following documents:

  1. Letter of expression of interest (EoI) signed by the main applicant. 
  2. Detailed technical proposal including methodology (methods of data collection, analysis, samples of experience/studies of similar nature, etc.), composition of the feasibility study team and their roles (this should include detailed information about capacity of the team/person to carry out the objectives of the consultancy, clear description of role and responsibilities within the team, expected time dedicated to the assignment).
  3. Implementation Plan following the attached format (Annex 1) 
  4. Detailed financial proposal that must include an estimate of all staff costs (calculated for fees based on number of consultancy days) as well as direct costs related to the consultancy including travel, hotel, etc. (Annex 2).  
  5. Firm profile detailing the past assignments (at least two feasibility report as a sample copy)
  6. Detailed curriculum vitae of the consultant and of all team members, if any, highlighting their areas of work and experience
  7. Company registration certificate
  8. Latest tax clearance certificate
  9. VAT registration certificate (for both firms and individual consultants).
  10. Signed supplier declaration form

Please go through the link below to download the Supplier Declaration form:


Please note that the selected consultant/ consulting firm should adhere with WHH data protection and other relevant policies during the assignment.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without assigning any reasons.

Annex 1: Implementation Plan



Detailed content/description

Annex 2: Budget








Team leader

Team member


Sub total



Accommodation cost

Materials cost

Subtotal (B)

Total (A+B)


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 11 Jul, 2024
Apply Before 28 Jul, 2024
City Lalitpur