Scope of Work: Determining Resilience of Firms


Details / requirements:

USAID Trade and Competitiveness

Title of Assignment: To provide technical support in assessing the vulnerabilities of identified firms from the targeted sectors and analyze whether the support provided has been impactful on addressing the gap and build resilience of those firms.

Type of Consultancy: Short-Term Technical Assistance (STTA)

Period of implementation: Until 30 September 2024

LOE: 10-15 days per STTA

Location: Bagmati, Gandaki, Lumbini and Koshi Province


USAID Trade and Competitiveness Activity (the ‘Activity’ hereafter) is a five-year activity that will provide opportunities for the Nepali economy as it recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Activity will enable Nepal to capitalize on global integration to diversify toward higher quality and higher value exports, foster sustainable job growth and income-generating opportunities for those that have previously been left behind by economic growth, and create greater sustainability and resiliency. The activity will also deliberately promote the integration of women, youth, and marginalized groups into markets to participate in economic opportunities created as Nepal’s economy grows. It will increase jobs and exports while supporting the private sector in managing risks from climate change, COVID-19, and other threats.

The aim is to accelerate firm and sector level competitiveness, generate employment opportunities, and increase sales of firms through interventions that incentivize public and private sector actors across the ecosystem to adopt new behaviors driving outcomes across three objectives:

  1. To increase access to market-based financial and non-financial services.
  2. To increase productivity in sectors with high growth and employment potential; and 
  3. To improve the investment climate and business enabling environment (BEE), especially for targeted sectors.
  4. To support private sector-led economic recovery and resilience.

Nepal’s economy has faced numerous crises over the past decade – insurgencies, natural disaster and COVID – 19 have caused economic dislocations and set back many on their journey out of poverty. In the past, response efforts have not been optimally coordinated or have been impeded by corruption or misdirected resources. Against this backdrop, USAID Trade and Competitiveness aims to mobilize resources to respond to private sector led economic recovery and resilience. 

Building resilience of a firm is characterized by its ability to absorb additional resources and adapt to the new path of growth. A resilient firm should be able to respond and recover from the shocks or disruptions by absorbing resources and adapting to new growth paths. In Nepal, most of the firms have recovered from the recent shocks but they are not resilient enough to deal with the future shocks if there are any.


The Activity has been supporting firms under its first three Objectives aimed at improving competitiveness. The Activity has also started supporting firms under Objective 4. The purpose of this assignment is to hire four-five Consultants/Business Resilience Analysts who will conduct assessments of around 150 firms assisted by the Activity in the last two years to determine if they have improved their resilience. The assessment will be done primarily through in-person interviews of appropriate representatives of firms.

The interviews will aim to: 1) determine the sources of vulnerabilities or lack of resilience of the firm before the Activity intervention, 2) determine if the Activity support addresses the vulnerability/source of lack of resilience, and 3) determine if the firm has sufficiently implemented/adopted the technologies, improved practices or hired appropriate staff to improve management or organizational capabilities after the Activity support.


The Business Resilience Analysts will carry out the following tasks: 

  1. Work with the Activity team to finalize the interview guide questions and agree on the reporting templates, deadlines and assignment of firms to interview
  2. Arrange interviews with assigned firms and carry out interviews.
  3. Document interviews and submit resilience assessment analysis for each assigned firm on a daily basis.

Required Qualifications (In the case of Individuals)

  1. Master’s degree in economics, finance, business administration and/or related fields.
  2. With 3+ years of relevant experience, or bachelor’s degree with 6+ years of relevant experience, where relevant experience is defined as direct experience working with businesses (in consulting work, technical assistance, carrying out surveys, etc.) or in businesses (as entrepreneur or employee of the business).
  3. Familiarity with at least two of the following sectors: Agro-processing, Tourism and/ digital sectors of Nepal, and SMEs.
  4. Proof of prior experience in conducting interviews and/or surveys among businesses, coordinating with firms and scheduling interviews, ensuring information integrity and reporting findings (submit at least one reference)
  5. Good written and interpersonal communication skills in English and Nepali language

Preferred criteria:

  • Working experience (either as an employee or owner) in a business (manufacturing, services or other type of business) 
  • Familiarity with the concept of business resilience, risk management, or organizational behavior.
  • Knowledge of the operations, processes and systems of businesses in at least one the following sectors: agro-processing, hospitality, digital services or IT-enabled services.
  • Knowledge of potential sources of vulnerabilities or lack of resilience of businesses, especially in targeted sectors.


The consultant must submit a timesheet, invoice, expense report as applicable, and a written progress report monthly to receive payment.

Reporting Requirements

This consultant will report to the Director for Economic Resilience and Competitiveness.

Submission of Application

All interested applicants shall submit their resume and cover letter to by COB 17.00 hrs September 6, 2024.


Category Technical, Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 30 Aug, 2024
Apply Before 06 Sep, 2024
City Kathmandu