Procurement Notice - National Consultant – IC-LTA for Technical support for RU Enterprise Development


Details / requirements:




Title: Individual Consultant for Technical support for RU Enterprise Development

Department/Unit: GCRU

Reports to: Portfolio Manager

Thematic Assurance: Economic Advisor

Coordination with: Pokhara Metropolitan City

Implementation area/duty station: Pokhara, Nepal

Duration of Assignment: 3 years commence from 1 October 2024 -30 September 2027 □ Partial (explain): x Intermittent (explain): The consultancy will be completed within the stipulated number of days of the given timeline

□ Full-time office-based (needs justification from the Requesting Unit): NA

Available Budget:

Provision of support services:

Office space

Yes □

No x

Equipment (laptop etc.)

Yes □

No x

Secretarial Services

Yes □

No x


The “Green Job Creation through Recycling and Upcycling in Pokhara Metropolitan City (GCRU) project” is designed to promote green economy by establishing recycling/upcycling enterprises based on the model of the circular economy against the ongoing 'throw away' approach, thereby increasing green jobs and reducing the pollution and environmental impact of the solid waste. Similarly, a cleaner city will have a big positive impact primarily on tourism business in Pokhara. This objective will be achieved through three interlinked areas of interventions: 1) policy and coordination, 2) promotion of Recycling and Upcycling (RU) enterprises, and 3) empowering communities for increased awareness and community level RU initiatives. This project is funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), implemented by UNDP, in close cooperation with the Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC).

The project aims to become a model example of a successful public-private partnership, which would encourage the rest of the province and other municipalities to follow the Green Economy approach. Waste management, environmental protection and jobs creation are emerging challenges of Nepal’s urbanization. The project will also offer a sustainable solution to address these challenges and contribute to operationalize federalism by strengthening the capacity of the local government in line with the spirit of the constitution. This project directly contributes to SDGs Goal 1, SDGs 8, SDGs goal 11.6 - Proportion of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate final discharge out of total urban solid waste generated, by cities and Goal 12.5 - By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. The project will also contribute to achieve waste related targets of Nepal’s second Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Targets that are directly relevant are 1) by 2030, create an enabling environment for both public and private sector to treat industrial and municipal waste, including faecal sludge, 2) By 2030, adopt and implement waste segregation, recycling and waste-to-energy programs in at least 100 municipalities, 3) By 2030, the burning of healthcare waste in 1,400 healthcare facilities will be prohibited by proper management of healthcare waste through the application of non-burn technologies, 4) Promote the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) approach to waste management, along with source segregation and management of degradable and non-degradable waste, 5) Focus on co-production of energy and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and fafecal sludge.

Enabling policy environment for incentivize existing and potential RUs will also encourage communities and the public to proactively contribute to minimize the burden of waste management by segregating at source and increased source recovery. Learning and educational platforms like Green Venture Zone (GVZ) would respond to the learning needs and innovation for RUs required to complement opportunities created by an enabling policy environment. Community level RU groups created as a result of sustained public awareness and skill development would perfectly complement with the Green Venture Zone. These groups could be the direct beneficiaries of the GVZ incubation and educational programmes, and a foundation to supply necessary raw materials (refined and cleaned materials) for the RUs promoted by GVZ. 

For sustainable solid waste management in Pokhara Metropolitan City, GCRU aims to strengthen the legal framework on solid waste management and establish a strong coordination mechanism between Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC) and different relevant stakeholders. It also envisions strengthening the capacity of PMC Officials and elected bodies along with communities for sustainable solid waste management. Creation of RU enterprises and providing technical support for marketing and sustainability of RU enterprises is a must during the project implementation. The construction of the Green Venture Zone along with the establishment of a management and operation plan/system is one of the major outputs of GCRU. Hence, technical expertise and input are required during project implementation.  

UNDP is seeking an expert with deep knowledge and field experience in solid waste management laws drafting, waste management and green job creation through recycling and upcycling, capacity building on green job creation, facilitating designing the circularity concept in project deliverables, and developing business models to promote the private sectors on municipal waste management interventions. The expert is expected to provide technical support to the project team for an extended period on an as-needed basis.


An overall objective of the LTA is to support/facilitate the GCRU project to carry out some of the technical activities in line with the project document which includes but is not limited to provide for technical support in drafting and updating SWM plan, policies, and laws for PMC, coordinate between the PMC and provincial government to ensure that the updated, drafted, or recommended plans and policies align with each other.  Support on content creation for developing IEC materials, capacity development plan with clear strategies for PMC officials, elected bodies, and grassroots level beneficiaries (TLOs and communities). Technical support to develop private sector engagement strategy, RU enterprises and business model for the operation and management of Green Venture Zone. Specific objectives are as follows:

Specific Objectives:

  • Facilitate in drafting and updating solid waste management related regulatory framework (policy, act guideline, strategy, framework, operations manuals, and SOP) of PMC with clear indication of RU enterprises.
  • Provide technical inputs on sustainable operational system design for the Green Venture Zone
  • Support to develop content for IEC materials to be used for capacity development and awareness-raising events, campaigns, and activities for stakeholders of PMC
  • Facilitate in development of private sector engagement plan with a clear strategy in the GCRU project to incentive the potential and existing RU enterprises in linking market and accessing technology.
  • Develop the criteria for innovative concept of RU enterprises and challenge fund for private sector engagement in RU enterprises
  • Develop  different training packages including ToT with development of standard training manual and conduction of training
  • Support to operationalize the waste data tracking tool and training the stakeholders on the tool. 


Under the overall guidance of the portfolio manager, the consultant will directly report to the national project manager.  The consultant will coordinate and work in close consultation with staff of GCRU, PMC officials mainly focusing, but not limited to:

Output 1: PMC is able to create a more enabling policy environment and effective mechanisms for waste management and RU contributing to green economy 

  • Provide technical assistant in formulation of legal frameworks of solid waste management through consultative process with PMC officials, elected bodies, existing recycling and upcycling enterprises, other stakeholders involved in solid waste management of PMC 
  • Conceptualize and develop the contents/manual for different RU related training package and IEC materials which can be used for capacity development of PMC officials and elected bodies, and communities on sustainable solid waste management. 

Output 2: Green Venture Zone operationalized and self-sustained for increased public awareness and to promote RU enterprises

  • Design business model for operation and management of green venture zone in consultation with PMC officials, elected bodies, RU enterprises and community members. 
  • Provide the updated mapping of the potential Recycling and Upcycling Enterprises in PMC including the analysis of challenges and opportunities in the municipalities and make recommendations on the concept of Green Venture Zone.
  • Identify and develop the research themes and RU enterprises innovations that will be compatible, adaptable and feasible to the existing and emerging RU market 

Output 3: Capacity of selected communities enhanced in creating green jobs and managing wastes in an environmentally friendly manner

  • Develop training materials (manual, guideline brochures, leaflets) and facilitate master TOT to be delivered in the cascading down approach for capacity building of different stakeholders following the principles of waste hierarchy and other behavioral change interventions to the selected TLOs. 
  • Facilitate Master TOT for capacity development of communities, based on approved training manual and report accordingly with learnings and way forward, 
  • Assess challenges and opportunities and provide technical inputs/way forward for rolling out the incentivize mechanism specific to women, youth and excluded communities for engaging in the SWM, promoting RU enterprises and creating green job activities.
  • Provide technical support in building capacity of GCRU project team on conceptual clarity, and building a common understanding on green jobs, green economy, and circular economy in the context of PMC solid waste management.

Expected Results/Deliverables:

The assignment shall have the following deliverables:

  • Inception report showing the approach and methodology of assigned activities, logistic plan for field assessment including schedules, analysis, processing, and reporting procedures that the consultant will follow in preparing the report.
  • Draft report containing presentation and analysis of results of tailor-made assignment such as draft legal frameworks on solid waste management, draft of business model of operation and management of Green Venture Zone, study on market linkages of recycling and upcycling enterprise, reports of capacity building trainings to PMC officials, elected bodies and selected communities.
  • A final consists of finalization of contracted assignments such as legal framework of solid waste management of PMC, business model for operation and management of Green Venture Zone and technical support in market linkages and support for RU enterprises.

Time frame:

The LTA will be valid of three years and mobilized approximately 75 working days in a year.  Proposed tasks to be accomplished within the time frame for the assignments are as follows:

Review/approval time required to review/approve the outputs before authorizing payments: GCRU/UNDP reserves rights to withhold/reassign/review the work and/or return it to the party contracted for finalizing the work if need be. The payment will be delivered once the each assignment is completed with finalized product.


Describe the required degree of expertise and qualifications, including specialized knowledge, language needs, experience, selection criteria, qualifications, and performance or other standards the service provider/contractor must fulfil.

Academic qualification:

Master’s degree in SWM, Environment management, project management, development studies or other relevant subjects


  • At least 10 years of proven experience in technical or/and applied research in the Solid Waste Management, Environment management, social survey.
  • Proven experience in Training, research, analysis and reporting, and the interpretation of findings as required.
  • Familiarity with municipality planning, implementation of SWM programmes and aiming to promote RU enterprises and create green job for local,
  • Working experience with UN agencies and/or government Institutions including municipality will add value.
  • Knowledge of GESI policy/strategy, code of conduct or policy on the prevention of harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation is desirable.

Language Requirements:

Excellent written and oral communication skills in Nepali and English.

Required Competencies:

  • Ability to go beyond established procedures and models, propose new approaches which expand the range of projects.
  • Builds strong relationships with all partners, focuses on impact and results and responds positively to critical feedback.
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural team environment with a positive attitude;


All data, information and product received for this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference. All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of this ToR are assigned to the GCRU/UNDP. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed written authorization of the GCRU/UNDP.

Deadline: 16-Sep-24 @ 05:00 PM (Nepal Time)

For additional information and documents and for further application procedures, click on the link below: