Goreto Gorkha

Goreto Gorkha Is a Non-Profit and non-Governmental organization established in 2049 BS (1992 AD). It is legally registered in district Administration office of Gorkha, it is registered in Social Welfare Council also. This organization works in Community Mobilization, education, women empowerment, community development, Livelihood, Water Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Activities (WASH), Shelter, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaption (DRR/CCA), Energy, Indoor Air Pollution Alleviation, leadership development for youth, Generation of Employment, Enterprise development and its Rehabilitation, Gender equality and Social Inclusion, Infrastructure and other right based approach with partnership of different Partners development organization (NGOs, INGOs) and Nepal Government and its agencies.

Details / requirements:


Invitation for Bids ID: E4H Scale Up (Phase-I)/2025-JAN

Second Date of Notice Publication: 04/March/2025

  1. Goreto Gorkha (GG) invites bids from eligible bidders for the Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (T&C), Tool sets, Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Training, and After-Sales Service of solar power system (2 kWp system in each 4 (four) different community health units, 3 kWp system in 1 (one) community health unit and 4 kWp system in each 2 (two) different health posts to electrify each 7 (seven) Health Post/Community Health Units (HP/CHUs) in Gorkha. Bidding is open to all eligible Bidders as per ITB 2 of Bidding Documents.
  2. Interested Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents at the office of Goreto Gorkha (GG) or can request via email:
  3. Bidding documents will be available from 04/March/2025 till office hours up to 10th March 2025.
  4. Bids must be submitted to the above office on or before 12.00 Noon on 10th March 2025. Bids received after this deadline shall not be accepted.
  5. Bids must be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of bid opening and must be accompanied by bid security (in the form of a Bank Guarantee). Bid security amount amounting as stated in table below, which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the bid validity period (i.e., bid security validity up to 90 days from the date of bid opening).
  6. Received sealed Bids shall be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 13:00 hrs. on 10th March 2025 at the office of Goreto Gorkha (GG). But nothing shall bar the opening of Bid by the reason only that any bidder or its agent is not present. Bidder’s representative should come with authorization duly signed by the authority of firm at the time of bid opening.
  7. If the last date of purchase, submission, and opening falls on a government holiday then the next working day shall be considered as the last day. In such cases the bid validity and bid security validity shall be recognized with effect from the original bid submission deadline.
  8. Goreto Gorkha (GG) shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or submission of Bids. The bidders can visit the sites, if they wish, to assess the site conditions before submitting their bid.
  9. Goreto Gorkha (GG) reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids without assigning reason, whatsoever.
  10. Only those companies who are prequalified from AEPC to supply and install ISPS (Institutional Solar Power System) are eligible to participate in bidding.

Details of Works

S.N.IFB IDName of projectDescription of worksBid security (NPR)Bid Document Cost (NPR)
1E4H Scale Up (Phase-I)/2025-JanEnergy for Health (E4H Scale Up (Phase-I)

Design, Supply, Installation, T&C, Tool set, O&M Training, and After-Sales Service of

  • 2.0 kWp solar system in each 4 (four) CHUs
  • 3.0 kWp solar system in 1 (one) CHU
  • 4.0 kWp solar system in each 2 (two) HPs
2 % of Bid AmountN/A


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 04 Mar, 2025
Apply Before 10 Mar, 2025
City Gorkha