Invitation for Bid

Aasaman Nepal

Aasaman Nepal (ASN), a pioneer organization for education and nutrition, is one of the leading Terai based NGOs led and managed by social activists since its establishment in Dhanusha, Janakpur in 1999. ASN has been engaged in developing and implementing programs aimed at protection, promotion, and fulfillment of child rights in Nepal. Currently ASN has been working in 20 districts under 6 Thematic Areas as: Education/Child Protection, Women Empowerment, Livelihood/ Natural Resource Management, Disaster Risk Reduction, Health/ Nutrition and Good Governance.

Details / requirements:

Invitation for Bid

Aasaman Nepal (ASN)

Janakpur, Dhanusha, Nepal


1st Publication on December 12, 2024

Project Title: “Knowledge Hub for Uplifting Scio-economically marginalized children and families through actions in Education and Economic Empowerment (KHUSEE)”

Procurement of Service Provider for Vocational Training

Aasaman Nepal (ASN) in support from Save the Children invites sealed bid from the eligible and qualified bidders for delivery of Service Provider for Vocational Training. Interested bidders may obtain the bid documents from Aasaman Nepal, at the address given below during office hour.

1.     Bidders are required to provide 2.5% bid security amount of total bid amount (Total cost +VAT amount) in cash or bank guarantee along with the bid document upon submission and additional 2.5% of total bid amount (Total cost + VAT amount) cash or bank guarantee on award of contract.

2.     Cash Security amount is to be deposited in following bank account: 

Bank: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited, Jawalakhel Branch

Account Holder Name: Aasaman Nepal (ASN)

Account No: 09601050002189

3.     Bids must be submitted to the address given below, before December 26, 2024, by 4.00 PM. Bids will be opened at Mahalaxmisthan, Lalitpur at 2:00 PM on December 27, 2024.


Note:  ASN reserves the right to accept or reject any/all tender document without necessary reason. The agreement will be amended based on the evaluation of the current task, anticipated funding from the donor agency, and alignment with the activities of the Aasaman Nepal projects.

Bid form to be collect from 

Aasaman Nepal, Mahalaxmisthan, Lalitpur, 01-5171649

Aasaman Nepal Kalaiya, Bara 


Bid form must be submitted to 

Aasaman Nepal, Mahalaxmisthan, Lalitpur, 01-5171649

Aasaman Nepal Kalaiya, Bara 



Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 12 Dec, 2024
Apply Before 26 Dec, 2024
City Dhanusha