Terms of Reference for Baseline Study of Civil Society for nature-based, local agri-food system (CS4FS) project in Dhanusha
Details / requirements:
Terms of Reference for Baseline Study of
Civil Society for nature-based, local agri-food system (CS4FS) project in Dhanusha
Country: | Nepal |
Project title: | Civil Society for nature-based, local agri-food systems |
Project no.: | NPL 1095-23 |
Project holder: | Welthungerhilfe |
Partner Organization: | Aasaman Nepal, Janaki Women Awareness Society (JWAS) and Public Campaign and Awareness (PAC) Nepal |
Project period: | October 2024 – January 2029 |
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. is one of the largest non-governmental organisations in Germany operating in the humanitarian assistance and development fields. It was established in 1962, as the German section of the “Freedom from Hunger Campaign”, one of the world’s first initiatives aimed at the eradication of hunger. Welthungerhilfe’s work is still dedicated to the following vision: All people have a right to a self-determined life in dignity and justice, free from hunger and poverty.
Welthungerhilfe (WHH) has been operational in Nepal since 2012, and it is currently managing different projects in twelve districts under seven thematic areas (sectors): Humanitarian Actions, Agriculture, Climate Reliance and Natural Resource Management, Nutrition & Health, WASH, Economic Development, Civil Society Empowerment and ICT4D. WHH works partnership with civil society in Nepal to empower socially marginalized and economically poor citizens, to strengthen their resilience and to ensure their right to adequate food and nutrition through a systems thinking approach.
The project “Civil Society for nature-based, local agri-food systems (CS4FS)” has been implementing in three municipalities of Dhanusha district (Madhesh Province) targeting smallholders’ farmers from vulnerable and marginalized groups, landless households and local government staff (agriculture). At least 50% of the participants are women with proportional representation of Dalits, ethnic minorities, muslims and other marginalized group. The overall objective of the project is “civil society promotes local agri-food system in Madhesh Province with nature-based solutions and policy localization” and the outcome is "5,000 marginalized households in three municipalities in Dhanusa District have improved their food security and the civil society and local authorities promote an agri-food system with climate resilient solutions. The core problem the project seeks to mitigate is that “climate-related risks and stresses pose significant barriers to achieving household food security of marginalised households”. In an already food insecure situation of marginalized households, both climate risk and vulnerability are increasing. This is expected to steadily undermine local livelihoods, which in turn is anticipated to further increase vulnerability in the face of steadily increasing climate impacts - a vicious circle.
The causes and effects are:
- Small holder subsistence farming: Changes in rainfall and temperature patterns affect rainfed agriculture, leading to significant annual yield variability and increased production risks for farmers, in particular marginalised farmers are more affected due to lower coping capacity. The frequency of hydro-meteorological hazards is expected to increase due to climate change, further affecting cropland and yields, including pest and disease infestation and livestock mortality. Current agricultural practices are not profitable, competitive, sustainable or inclusive.
- Civil society is unaware of the climate change issues in Nepal. Few organizations work in the agricultural sector, and they are not well organised or networked. They have no strategy or programs that deal with practices for adapting to climate change. Regenerative agriculture and climate resilience are also new topics for the organizations. The organizations face several hurdles, it has been difficult for them to secure recognition and resources, and it is a challenge to remain continuously active.
- Local governments have not localized national policy and therefore these intentions are rarely translated into annual plans, budgets and measures.
The limited localization of national policy can be attributed to a number of reasons, including frequent staff changes and staff shortages at the local level and a lack of sensitization of the political stakeholders for the importance of the topic.
The project is expected to reach 26,610 individuals directly from 5,000 households and different institutions, ecopreneurs and indirectly 125,050 individuals from advocacy, campaign, and awareness activities.
The study findings will serve as a reference for project implementation, impact measurement, and strategic decision-making to foster regenerative agriculture and sustainable enterprise development in Dhanusha District.
The primary purpose of the baseline study is to collect data to establish baseline values for the indicators outlined in the project’s impact matrix. This data will provide a reference point for tracking progress and measuring the outcomes of the project throughout its implementation. The baseline study will specifically focus on the initial conditions of local food systems in the project areas, evaluating key indicators related to regenerative agriculture practices, nature-based solution, local government policies, priorities and budget allocation trend, climate adaptation and water sources conservation. Additionally, the study will help refine project activities by identifying gaps, opportunities, and challenges concerning the capacities of local civil society organizations, on regenerative agriculture and advocacy. Ultimately, the findings will inform strategic interventions to ensure that the project effectively aligns with its objective of improving food security promoting the agri-food system will climate resilient solutions.
3. Users of the Baseline Study
The primary users of the results of this study will include:
- Welthungerhilfe at project level (including partner organizations) understand the existing situation of project area based on log frame and establish the benchmarks for measuring the project progress,
- Welthungerhilfe Country offices to revisit the plan and approaches based on findings,
- Local government authorities to understand the current situation and use for further planning process
The secondary users will be the donors, researchers, academic institutions, development agencies and other civil society organizations. They may use the findings to support broader learning, advocacy and policy efforts on regenerative agriculture and sustainable food system. The study will provide valuable data and insights that enhance understanding the situation of local food systems and practices.
4. Scope of the Study
The study will be carried out from April to May 2025 in three municipalities of Dhanusha district to explore existing situation of the project area on regenerative agriculture, agribusiness (ecopreneurs) and economic and livelihood impact based on project impact matrix. The study will review the existing project documents and data and collect the primary data from field as required at micro, meso and macro level including analysis of existing policies and regulatory framework of the national and sub-national government to promote the regenerative agriculture and food system and possible approach for localization. The target participants are marginalized smallholder farmers, cooperatives, agripreneurs, local government authorities, agri-extension workers, MFIs, youth and women and groups engaged in agriculture and nutrition.
5. Study design and methodology
As indicated under the purpose, the study will adopt the mix-method to establish the baseline values of impact matrix.
- Proposals are expected to present a solid design and methodology for the study and are expected to discuss the feasibility of the suggestions brought forward in this ToR. Moreover, innovative ideas to address the outline baseline purpose are highly appreciated. The consultant/agency should be aware of the following requirements that will need to be adhered to as part of the thorough baseline study design and methodology developed later during the study:
- The consultant/agency will be expected to collect data using mobile application. The study tools are to be developed by the consultant/agency. The selected agency would be required to translate the tools into local language and adapt them. The process of development of data collection tools is to be carried out in consultation with WHH team. The data collection process will be initiated only after final approval from WHH on the overall research design (including detailed sampling design and list of samples included in the study, data collection tools and qualitative and quantitative analysis plans).
- The data collection team must be provided with prior training to equip them with the information to ask the questions appropriately and fill out their response’s application. The enumerators shall be expected to follow ethical guidelines and practices in the interviewing process.
- Ethical considerations, such as do no harm, confidentiality and informed consent will be strictly adhered throughout the study process. The evaluator must sign an agreement to protect personal data collected through this study.
- Generally, the study should allow the desegregation of gender, age, livelihoods, social status and other relevant demographic factors.
- Sampling: The consultant/agency will design a detailed sampling plan incl. detail on the sampling methods and sample size for the quantitative and qualitative data collections. It is expected that for quantitative component the sample size should be sufficient to ensure a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error to allow for precision and reliability of the findings.
- Data Analysis: The consultant/agency is expected to share a detailed data analysis plan according to the baseline framework developed for the study and also use qualitative and quantitative analysis software. The consultant should propose a comprehensive list of parameters and indicators for data collection and analysis from their study of secondary resources shared by WHH during the design phase. The consultant shall seek WHH’s approval on the detailed analysis plan as part of the final research design deliverable submitted during the study implementation.
- Mechanisms to ensure Data Quality: A robust quality control and monitoring process must be followed during data collection.
- After completion of field data collection, the consultant/ agency will conduct the debriefing session at WHH Nepal country office to present the initial findings and observation from field.
WHH shall have access to all tools and data.
6. Managerial Arrangements/ roles and responsibilities
The consultant/agency will be responsible for the design and execution of the full study.
The incumbent consultant/agency will report directly to the head of project as single point of contact for this study. S/he will facilitate overall coordination with all country teams, logistics, monitoring, sharing documents & data, review, and approval of all consultants’ outputs/deliverables.
The project will establish a baseline study Steering Committee, composed of the key users (Head of program, MEAL expert, head of project, logistic and FS technical expert), who will be responsible for:
- steering and guiding the consultant work (briefing, inception, debriefing, approval of report),
- facilitating the take up of the results (including dissemination and communication of results, as well as facilitating decision-making).
7. Timeframe
The study is expected to be completed within 45 days (April – May 2025) of signing the contract. The consultant/agency is expected to develop a workplan as part of the proposal, including timeline that would be feasible to ensure high quality results.
8. Deliverables
The following deliverables are expected to be produced by the evaluators:
- An inception report outlining the methodology, sample size, person involved and detailed workplan and survey tools.
- Final baseline report with updated logframe in prescribed format including clean dataset in a separate spreadsheet.
- Debriefing meeting after completion of field visit and submission of first draft baseline report with presentation.
- Baseline study brief 2-pager: A two-page summary of the project, study design and methodology, findings, conclusion, and recommendations using a template provided by WHH which WHH aims to use to disseminate to a wider audience.
- Photos of the study process (e.g. FGDs, interviews, workshops) to be submitted in JPEG or GIF format. The informed consent of the person(s) capture in the photos is a prerequisite.
- PowerPoint presentation summarizing the results: Comprehensive power point slides summarizing important preliminary findings and recommendations and their presentation to key stakeholders.
9. Resources & Available data
Available documents will be made available to the consultant/agency on finalization of contract. This will include project proposal, log frame, MEAL plan and other relevant documents.
10. Confidentiality
The consultant shall protect the confidentiality of those participating in all stages of the study. All information and data acquired from documents, during interviews and meetings are confidential and remain at all times the property of the contracting party. The study deliverables, and all materials linked to the study, produced by the consultants or the organization remains the property of Welthungerhilfe and must not be shared with third parties without a written approval from Welthungerhilfe. This clause will hold beyond the life of the TOR signed between WHH and the agency. After completing the study, the agency shall safely purge all primary and secondary records/ data associated with the study.
11. Expertise of evaluators
The consultant or consulting team should have the following qualifications:
- Advanced degree in Development Studies, Agriculture, Social Sciences, Economics, or related fields.
- Proven soundtrack of record and experience of a minimum of 10 years in conducting baseline and other studies, particularly for complex development projects funded by international donors in agriculture, nutrition and system approach area.
- Experience in participatory methodologies and working with diverse stakeholders in development and multi-country contexts.
- Solid understanding and background on regenerative agriculture, food systems, system transformation, ecopreneurs and civil society knowledge.
- Sound contextual understanding of the province, and networks of local, province and federal levels.
- Excellent analytical, report writing, and communication skills.
- Strong written and oral proficiency in English is essential
- A team that includes both male and female evaluators is preferred, to ensure balanced gender perspectives during fieldwork and interviews.
- Strong interpersonal and facilitation skills to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders, including government officials, local organizations, and community members.
12. Technical and financial offer
Applicants need to provide a technical and financial offer;
- The technical part of the offer should include reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR. It should also include a brief description of the approach, design & methodology of the study as well capacity statement of the team and a workplan (maximum 8 pages);
- The financial part includes a proposed budget for the complete study. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective Taxes, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs (e.g. travel costs, accommodation, per diems etc). Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required.
- CV(s) (max. 3 pages) of key person(s) to be involved at any stage of the assignment with respective roles and tasks of all those involved – focusing on relevant experiences and expertise.
- Proof and examples of relevant previous studies, including two writing examples (ideally final report) of a relevant previous study.
13. Supplier selection criteria
Criteria: Bidder responses will be evaluated against two weighted categories of criteria: A. Essential Criteria, B. Technical and financial Criteria.
A. Essential Criteria: which bidders must meet to progress to the next round of evaluation. If a bidder does not meet any of the Essential Criteria, they will be excluded from the selection process immediately. These criteria are scored as ‘Pass’ / ‘Fail’.
- Written financial quotation on letter headed paper
- Supplier declaration form (please refer to the Annex I of this document)
- Company registration certificate (Nepal Only)
- VAT Registration certificate
- Tax clearance certificate for 2080-81
B. Technical and Financial Evaluation Criteria: Criteria used to evaluate the bidder’s ability, skill and experience in relation to the requirements. Bids will be evaluated against the same pre-agreed criteria. The offer will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Approach, Design, Methodology included in technical proposal in response to ToR | 25 |
Experience and quality of similar assignments in the past | 20 |
Capability of the resource person (team composition) | 20 |
Financial Proposal | 25 |
Profile of the organization | 10 |
Total | 100 |
Based on above selection criteria, 3 highest scorers will be invited for the physical presentation/interview. After completion of interview process, cumulative analysis will be used to evaluate and award proposals.
The interested and qualified consultant(s)/ consulting agency must submit their technical and financial proposal, including all of the documents as mentioned in section 13 A and CVs of key personnel by 17:00 hours (COB) dated 23 March 2025 via e-tender portal: https://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=425502&PP=ctm/Supplier/publictenders&B=WELTHUNGERHILFE&PS=1
You can submit your inquiries/questions by 16 March 2025 5:00 PM Nepal time via online portal.
Note: The consulting firm registered in Nepal are only eligible for the application.
Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for further evaluation process. Welthungerhilfe Nepal reserves all the rights to reject any or all application without providing any reasons.
Category | Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Experience | Please check details |
Education | Please check details |
Posted Date | 09 Mar, 2025 |
Apply Before | 23 Mar, 2025 |
City | Lalitpur, Dhanusha |