Notice of Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for NGO partnership to implement SPICES project
Details / requirements:
CRS Nepal
Notice of Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) for NGO partnership to implement SPICES project
Date of Publication: December 31, 2024
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is an international humanitarian agency (NGO) based in the United States working to save, protect, and transform lives in need in more than 100 countries regardless of race, religion or nationality. CRS programs in Nepal currently supports four strategic areas, including Homes and communities, disaster risk reduction and climate change, agriculture and livelihood, and anticipatory actions and emergency response. CRS strives to improve livelihood and resilience of marginalized and vulnerable communities by catalyzing innovation, excellence and system strengthening efforts toward improved integral human development. CRS aims to catalyze transformative changes in lives of marginalized and vulnerable households in country through improved access to safe and dignified housing, improved community resilience to disaster, shocks and stresses, and diversified livelihood opportunities, especially to women and youths. CRS Nepal has been instrumental in implementing multifaceted emergency relief and recovery programs playing a pivotal role in coordinating recovery and reconstruction efforts in responding to the impacts of earthquakes, monsoons, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Building upon proven and new partnerships and expertise, CRS works with local partners and government to create long-term resilience for a brighter future for all.
Based on previous studies to identify potential climate-resilient solutions aimed at enhancing the livelihoods of communities heavily dependent on natural resources, CRS has plan to promote market-based multistory agroforestry value chain model called SPICES (Securing and Protecting Investments & Capacities for Environmental Sustainability). SPICES in Nepal puts the ginger and cardamom value chains in the center as part of its strategy for promoting climate-smart agriculture and resilient livelihood building at vulnerable communities. Though ginger and cardamom are focused value chains, SPICES embraces integrating other crops like coffee, citrus, cinnamon, broom grass which has strong market demand. These crops are well-suited to the local climate and soil conditions, and they have significant potential to improve income and livelihood opportunities for smallholder farmers. By supporting the cultivation, processing, and marketing of identified value chain commodities, SPICES will help smallholder farmers increase their productivity, income and resilience to climate change.
CRS plans to provide the technical assistance and capacity building supports, to communities and value chain actors, to improve market access, develop sustainable farming as well as post-harvest handling practices, promote climate-smart nutrition-sensitive agriculture relevant for project locations. This approach not only enhances the economic stability of farmers but also strengthens the overall food and nutritional status and resilience of natural resource-dependent communities in the face of changing climatic conditions.
The SPICE model will be piloted in four districts - Palpa of Lumbini province, Nawalparasi East (Susta purba) and Gorkha from Gandaki province and Mahottari district of Madhesh province. The priority value chains/interventions for these districts will be as follows:
Palpa: Ginger
Nawalparasi Susta Purba: Ginger
Gorkha: Cardamom
Mahottari: climate-smart, nutrition sensitive agriculture (with legume value chain promotion).
CRS is seeking local organizations as implementing partners for this pilot initiative in respective districts.
Interested organizations are requested to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) along with a brief concept note in a format given in annex C. One partner is expected to work on one value chain or one district as per the mentioned priority value chains by districts. Therefore, the concept note should address the right value chain targeted for the district along with experience and capacity of partner to work with value chain actors to improve the targeted value chain.
EOI should be delivered to CRS before 5 PM (NST) on 15th January 2025 (Wednesday).
Organizations meeting the following criteria are invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EoI). The omission of any of the following documents will result in automatic disqualification from the evaluation process.
Required criteria: Mandatory documents to be submitted with EOI
- Valid Registration certificate with SWC.
- Valid PAN certificate.
- Authentic Audit Report for THREE Fiscal Years 2078/2079, 2079/2080 and 2080/2081.
- Tax Clerance Certificate for Fiscal Year 2080/81.
- Board-approved Financial Management Policy.
- Evidence of program implementation experience in climate smart nutrition sensitive agriculture and agroforestry-based value chain promotion.
- Physical presence (office located) in respective districts as per SWC mandate
Preferred Criteria:
- Experience working with women, youth, and vulnerable and marginalized farmer.
- Partner must have strong organizational policies such as financial, HR, procurement and GEDSI, Safeguarding, etc.
- Evidence of having an average turnaround of NPR 30M over the last 3 years.
EOI Submission Procedure:
1. Eligibility: Local organizations who meet the required criteria above.
2. Where for EOI Submission:
3. What to mention in the subject line: EoI submission_Palpa/Nawalparasi/Gorkha/ Mahottari (choose only one district)_ SPICES project _CRS
4. Ensure the below-filled appendixes along with above mentions mandatory documents
- Application form presented in Appendix A.
- Cover Letter by completing Appendix B.
- A brief concept notes not exceeding 2 pages using the template given in Appendix C
- Include documentation for any that may add value in the given sector.
5. For any unclarity or question related to EoI please emailed via before 9th January. CRS will provide clarity as soon as possible before 10th January.
Click on the link below to download Appendixes A, B and C:
Category | Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Experience | Please check details |
Education | Please check details |
Posted Date | 31 Dec, 2024 |
Apply Before | 15 Jan, 2025 |
City | Lalitpur |