Oxfam is a global movement of people fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from local to global, Oxfam works with people on transformative changes. Oxfam's work is grounded in the commitment to the universality of human rights. Driven by diversity, evidence and experience, we take sides against poverty and injustices everywhere. Oxfam has worked in Nepal since the 1980s through various development, humanitarian and influencing initiatives in close collaboration and partnerships with people, organisations and institutions. Oxfam is a global confederation that includes 21 member organisations, or Affiliates, who contribute their diverse strengths and expertise to help achieve our shared goals working across more than 80 countries, including in Asia. Oxfam’s vision is a Just and Sustainable World. Our mission in Nepal as a development and humanitarian organization is to strengthen civic space and peoples’ actions to end all forms of inequalities and social injustices, informed by a decolonial feminist lens rooted in the Global South. Oxfam’s organisational values guide our work, behaviours, and culture: Equality: We believe everyone has the right to be treated fairly and to have the same rights and opportunities. Empowerment: We acknowledge and seek to expand people’s agency over their lives and the decisions that impact them. Solidarity: We join hands, support each other, and collaborate across boundaries to work towards a just and sustainable world. Inclusiveness: We embrace diversity and difference and value the perspectives and contributions of all people and communities in their fight against poverty and injustice. Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and inaction and hold ourselves accountable to the people we work with and for. Courage: We speak truth to power and act with conviction on the justice of our causes.