BlinkNow Foundation - A world where every child is educated, safe, and loved. The BlinkNow Foundation is a 501(c)(3) based in New Jersey which, through its country office in Nepal, oversees programs in rural Nepal including a school, a children’s home, and a women’s training center. We do this with our local implementing partner, Kopila Valley Sewa Samaj (KVSS), and through close ties with the local community. The two organizations work in partnership, with BlinkNow serving as the International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) whose primary role is to provide funding and oversight, and Kopila Valley Sewa Samaj serving as the local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) whose job is to implement programs. Our mission is to change the world by empowering Nepal’s children. Every day we strive to create a sustainable organization working to educate all of Kopila’s children until they are ready to enter the world as happy, skilled, confident, self-sufficient adults. We believe we can serve as a model for quality education in Nepal. We strive to provide our children with the skills required to enter the world as global citizens, and ambassadors for change.