Expression of Interest (EOI): Call for Consultancy to Formulate a Municipal Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP)

dZi Foundation

Details / requirements:

Expression of Interest (EOI): Call for Consultancy to Formulate a Municipal Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP).

dZi Foundation:

dZi Foundation is a US-based non-profit organization working with rural communities in Nepal to achieve prosperity by eliminating barriers to basic needs, fostering opportunities for sustainable livelihoods, and building their capacity to catalyze transformational change. dZi's 2024-2029 strategic plan builds on years of experience, adapts to evolving policy and development landscapes, and sharpens our focus on partnerships, local ownership, and long-term sustainability beyond external investments.

1) Background/rationale

Nepal faces multiple natural hazards including earthquakes, floods, landslides, and climate-induced disasters that significantly impact lives, livelihoods, and development progress. These disasters have differential gender, social, and age-specific impacts that increase exposure risks, vulnerabilities, and deepen discrimination against women, girls, and other marginalized groups. Climate change is exacerbating these risks, with Nepal experiencing rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events.

As documented in Nepal's disaster data (1971-2015), over 40,000 people have lost their lives to disasters, with marginalized groups disproportionately affected. Climate change is further compounding these vulnerabilities, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, water resources, forests and biodiversity, and human health.

While progress has been made at the national level, including the enactment of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2074 and the National Climate Change Policy 2076, many municipalities still require technical support to develop comprehensive, contextualized Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) policies and strategic plans that are truly inclusive, GEDSI-responsive, and climate-resilient.

Key challenges include:

  • Limited technical and human resources at provincial and local levels to implement DRRM and climate change adaptation responsibilities.
  • Inadequate nationwide multi-hazard risk assessments that incorporate sex, age, and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) and climate projections.
  • Financing gaps for DRRM and climate adaptation activities, particularly for GEDSI-responsive initiatives.
  • Need for improved regional coordination on trans-boundary disaster impacts and climate risks.
  • Limited capacity to anticipate and prepare for climate-induced disasters through a GEDSI lens.
  • Insufficient mechanisms for ensuring meaningful participation of vulnerable and marginalized groups in DRR and climate change planning and implementation.
  • Lack of GEDSI-responsive early warning systems and climate information services.

2) Call for Consultancy and Objective

To develop comprehensive, implementable, GEDSI-responsive, and climate-resilient Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Strategic Plan for Kepilasgadhi Rural Municipality in Khotang district in Koshi Province that:

  • Align with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR), Nepal's Constitution, the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 2074, the National Climate Change Policy 2076, and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) 2021-2050.
  • Reflect local hazard profiles, climate vulnerabilities, adaptive capacities, and priorities through a GEDSI lens.
  • Mainstream Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) considerations across all aspects of DRR and climate change adaptation planning and implementation.
  • Ensure meaningful participation, voice, and agency of women, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized groups in DRR and climate change governance and decision-making.
  • Address specific vulnerabilities of economically weak groups, minority groups, age-specific vulnerabilities, spatially and physically disadvantaged groups, and gender-specific vulnerabilities in the context of changing climate risks.
  • Establish clear implementation frameworks with gender-responsive budgeting and GEDSI-informed monitoring mechanisms for both DRR and climate adaptation activities.
  • Build municipal capacity for sustained implementation of GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient DRR activities.

3) Scope of Work

The consultant will undertake the following key tasks:

3.1 Risk Assessment and Analysis

  1. Conduct comprehensive multi-hazard risk assessments for the target municipality using GEDSI-informed approaches and incorporating climate change projections.
  2. Collect and analyze sex, age, and disability-disaggregated data (SADDD) to identify differential vulnerabilities and impacts, including climate-induced vulnerabilities.
  3. Apply a six-step checklist for GEDSI-informed risk understanding and analysis as outlined in the national guidelines, integrating climate risk considerations.
  4. Identify categories of "at-risk" marginalized groups specific to each municipality, including those most vulnerable to climate change impacts.
  5. Conduct climate vulnerability assessments for key sectors (agriculture, water resources, forests, health) using GEDSI-responsive methodologies.

3.2 Policy and Strategic Planning

  1. Review existing municipal DRR frameworks, climate change policies, and resource allocation through a GEDSI lens.
  2. Develop stakeholder mapping with special attention to women's organizations, disability-focused organizations, and representatives of marginalized communities, including those working on climate change issues.
  3. Prepare tailored GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient DRR policies for the target municipality, aligning with the National Climate Change Policy 2076 and NAP 2021-2050.
  4. Develop 5-year strategic action plans with clear timelines, responsibilities, resource requirements, and specific GEDSI and climate adaptation targets.
  5. Ensure policies and plans address specific GEDSI issues in the context of climate change, including:
    • Climate-resilient livelihoods for vulnerable groups.
    • Gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture practices.
    • Equitable access to climate information services.
    • Protection of vulnerable groups during climate-induced disasters.

3.3 Implementation Framework

  1. Establish mechanisms to ensure GEDSI-balanced representation in municipal disaster management and climate change coordination committees.
  2. Design protocols for GEDSI-responsive early warning systems and climate information services accessible to all community members.
  3. Develop standard operating procedures for climate-resilient emergency operations that incorporate GEDSI considerations.
  4. Formulate guidelines for "Build Back Better" approaches that address the special needs of women, children, elderly people, and persons with disabilities while enhancing climate resilience.
  5. Create mechanisms for meaningful participation of vulnerable groups in all DRR and climate change governance structures.

3.4 Capacity Building and Knowledge Management

  1. Assess existing GEDSI and climate change adaptation capacities within municipal structures and develop targeted training programs.
  2. Design and deliver training modules on GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient DRR planning, implementation, and monitoring.
  3. Develop information, education, and communication (IEC) materials on disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation tailored for vulnerable groups.

3.5 Financing and Resource Mobilization

  1. Apply gender-responsive budgeting principles to DRR and climate adaptation planning processes.
  2. Identify sustainable financing options for GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient DRR activities.
  3. Develop strategies to allocate municipal budgets toward integrated DRR and climate adaptation activities with specific GEDSI components.
  4. Design mechanisms for tracking expenditures on GEDSI-specific, GEDSI-supportive, and GEDSI-neutral activities in both DRR and climate adaptation initiatives.

3.6 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

  1. Establish GEDSI-responsive monitoring frameworks with appropriate indicators for both DRR and climate adaptation activities.
  2. Develop mechanisms to ensure feedback from vulnerable communities informs adaptive management of climate-resilient DRR initiatives.
  3. Create systems for documenting and disseminating GEDSI best practices in municipal climate-resilient DRR implementation.

4) Methodology

The consultant shall employ a highly participatory, GEDSI-responsive, and climate-informed approach involving:

4.1 Desk review: Analysis of relevant policies, plans, and risk assessment data with particular attention to GEDSI aspects and climate change considerations in existing frameworks.

4.2 Field data collection:

  • Vulnerability assessments that identify climate-vulnerable and disadvantaged groups
  • Collection of SADDD data through inclusive survey methodologies.
  • Mapping of community resources and adaptive capacities through a GEDSI lens.
  • Climate risk assessments for key sectors using participatory methods.

4.3 Stakeholder engagement:

  • Ensuring at least 40% women's participation in all consultation processes.
  • Dedicated focus groups with persons with disabilities, elderly, children, and minority groups on climate-related vulnerabilities.
  • Engagement with women-led organizations, disability rights organizations, and local climate change experts.
  • Use of inclusive communication methods and accessible venues for all consultations.

4.4 Capacity building:

  • Training in GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient disaster preparedness and response.
  • Workshops on gender-responsive budgeting for integrated DRR and climate adaptation activities.
  • Skills development for municipal staff on GEDSI data collection, climate risk analysis, and adaptation planning.

4.5 Validation processes:

  • Review of draft policies and plans by GEDSI and climate change experts.
  • Validation workshops with representatives from vulnerable groups and climate-affected communities.
  • Feedback mechanisms accessible to all community members.

5) Deliverables

5.1 Inception report with detailed work plan, methodology for ensuring GEDSI and climate change integration, and stakeholder engagement strategy.

5.2 Municipal disaster and climate risk profiles for the target municipality that include:

  • SADDD data on climate-vulnerable populations.
  • GEDSI-specific vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities.
  • Mapping of climate-sensitive infrastructure with GEDSI implications.
  • Climate change projections and potential impacts on vulnerable groups.

5.3 Stakeholder analysis report with special focus on:

  • Mapping of GEDSI-focused and climate change organizations and networks.
  • Analysis of power dynamics and barriers to participation in climate-resilient DRR planning.
  • Strategies for meaningful engagement of marginalized groups in adaptation initiatives.

5.4 Draft municipal DRR and climate adaptation policies for target municipality that incorporate:

  • GEDSI mainstreaming strategies aligned with national climate change policies.
  • Clear institutional mechanisms for GEDSI integration in climate-resilient DRR.
  • Protection measures for climate-vulnerable populations.

5.5 Draft 5-year strategic plans for target municipality that include:

  • GEDSI-specific and climate-resilient activities with timelines and responsibilities.
  • Gender-responsive budgeting frameworks for integrated DRR and climate adaptation.
  • Specific targets for reducing climate vulnerabilities of marginalized groups.

5.6 GEDSI-responsive early warning and climate information service designs that ensure:

  • Information accessibility for persons with disabilities, illiterate populations, and linguistic minorities.
  • Gender-sensitive evacuation protocols for climate-induced disasters.
  • Equitable access to climate information and adaptation support.

5.7 Capacity building workshop reports documenting:

  • Training on GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient DRR planning and implementation.
  • Skills development in gender-responsive budgeting for climate adaptation.
  • Learning outcomes and capacity gaps in integrated DRR and climate change response.

5.8 Final municipal DRR and climate adaptation policies and strategic plans with:

  • Comprehensive GEDSI integration across all components of climate-resilient DRR.
  • Clear implementation frameworks with GEDSI responsibilities in climate action.
  • Validated by vulnerable groups through inclusive processes.

5.9 Implementation guidelines and monitoring framework including:

  • Standard operating procedures for GEDSI-responsive and climate-resilient disaster response.
  • GEDSI-specific indicators for monitoring plan implementation and climate adaptation progress.
  • Feedback mechanisms accessible to all community members for adaptive management.

5.10 Financing strategy for integrated DRR and climate adaptation activities that:

  • Applies gender-responsive budgeting principles to climate finance allocation.
  • Allocates resources for GEDSI-specific, supportive, and neutral activities in climate-resilient DRR.
  • Includes tracking mechanisms for GEDSI expenditures in climate adaptation initiatives.

5.11 Final comprehensive report with:

  • Documentation of the GEDSI and climate change integration process.
  • Best practices and lessons learned in climate-resilient and inclusive DRR.
  • Recommendations for scaling up GEDSI-responsive and climate-adaptive DRR planning.

6) Timeframe

The duration of the consultancy is approximately 2 months from the contract signing date and the final report should be submitted by /before June 23, 2025.

7) Expertise Required

The consultant team should have the following key expertise:

  • Team Leader: Minimum 10 years' experience in DRR policy development with demonstrated expertise in GEDSI integration and climate change adaptation.
  • GEDSI Specialist: Minimum 7 years' experience working on gender equality, disability inclusion, and social inclusion in development or humanitarian contexts, with knowledge of climate change impacts.
  • Climate Change Adaptation Expert: Experience in climate vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning at the local level.
  • DRR/Risk Assessment Expert: Experience in multi-hazard risk assessments using inclusive methodologies and incorporating climate projections
  • Municipal Governance Specialist: Knowledge of Nepal's local governance systems, DRR institutional frameworks, and climate change policies.
  • Capacity Building Expert: Experience in designing and delivering GEDSI-responsive and climate-focused training programs.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: Experience in developing GEDSI-sensitive indicators and monitoring frameworks for climate-resilient DRR.
  • Disaster Risk Financing Expert: Knowledge of gender-responsive budgeting principles and financing mechanisms for integrated DRR and climate adaptation.

The team composition should maintain gender balance and include representation from marginalized groups.

8) Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

8.1 General Requirements

  • Legally registered Nepalese consulting firm or organization with at least five years of experience in disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation, and gender equality, social inclusion, and disability (GEDSI) mainstreaming.
  • Proven track record of successful project completion in Nepal or similar contexts.

8.2 Technical Expertise

  • Demonstrated experience in developing municipal-level DRR and climate adaptation plans.
  • Strong background in multi-hazard risk assessments, climate vulnerability assessments, and GEDSI-responsive methodologies.
  • Expertise in gender-responsive budgeting and climate finance for DRR activities.
  • Capacity to conduct participatory stakeholder consultations and training programs.

8.3 Previous Experience

  • At least three completed assignments in developing municipal Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans (DPRP) or similar documents.
  • Experience in working with local governments to conduct Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (VCA).
  • Demonstrated ability to integrate climate change considerations into DRR planning.

8.4 Language and Communication

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in both Nepali and English.
  • Ability to produce high-quality reports and knowledge products.

8.5 Additional Requirements

  • Familiarity with Nepal's National Climate Change Policy, National Adaptation Plan, and DRR frameworks.
  • Capacity to work in multi-stakeholder environments, including government agencies, civil society, and vulnerable communities.
  • Flexibility to adapt methodologies to local contexts and emerging priorities.

9) Evaluation of the EOI Application

The EOI applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Technical methodological approach (35%)
  2. Relevant experience and qualification of the proposed team (35%)
  3. Cost proposal and alignment with the technical approach and deliverables (30%)

Minimum score to pass the EOI evaluation is 70%.

10) Submission of EOI

Interested Nepalese consulting firm/organization meeting the above qualifications can submit their EOI with (1) a cover page, (2) a brief technical and financial proposal, not more than 5 pages, (3) an updated firm/organization profile with a short CVs of the consultant/s including PAN certificate and tax clearance, and (4) evidence of completion of the similar assignment, at least 3.

Please submit your EOI by April 6, 2025, to with “EOI for DPRP” in the subject line. Please ensure that the attachment should not be larger than 10 MB. No telephone inquiry, please. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for further process. dZi reserves the right to accept and reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Development / NGO
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 24 Mar, 2025
Apply Before 06 Apr, 2025
City Lalitpur