Zite Manager

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Company Info

Zite Manager is a programme run by IOM’s Global CCCM unit that aims to improve humanitarian responses to displacement crises through the combination of innovative technology, good programming practice, and scalable and contextualizable tools. The overall aim of the programme is to ensure the operational accountability of humanitarian actors to affected populations, by channelling community feedback, monitoring data, and service mapping data into humanitarian coordination & decision-making structures, utilizing CCCM’s coordination mandate to facilitate multi-sector programming and producing robust analytical and advocacy products. Zite Manager is able to refer & manage operational data to ensure communities needs are heard and responded to, while also identifying emerging trends regarding services, monitor standards in displacement settings and hold humanitarian aid actors accountable for the services they provide – ensuring that vulnerable populations are not falling through the cracks of siloed humanitarian responses. Zite Manager is built off open source technology, and deployed in conjunction with standards developed from years of learning and good practice developed and operationally proven by IOM’s Site Management teams globally, and is easily adaptable and contextualizable to any humanitarian setting. This scalable solution to data inefficiency, ineffective community feedback mechanisms, and lack of coherent global standards is now the go-to programme for IOM Site Management teams around the world.

Current Open Positions at Zite Manager

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Currently, there are no job vacancies posted for Zite Manager job. You can search currently available jobs online at JobsNepal or click here to find jobs and vacancies by job category. If you are looking for jobs in a specific city, click here to find jobs by cities. Please check back here later to find more jobs posted for Zite Manager.

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