VOITH or Vaidya's Organization of Industries & Trading Houses, is one of the most dynamic and leading business houses in Nepal and is dedicated to integrity, excellence and leadership. It represents a wide range of integrated trading houses, industrial enterprises, services, consturction activities and educational academies. VOITH is committed to the development of the country in its entirety and, therefore, supports those business activities that help shape the future of Nepal. The organisation has been given priority to industries that contribute greatly to the social upliftment of the Nepali people. Hence, labour-intensive, agro-based industries are VOITH's priority as we are convinced that such undertakings help raise the living standard of Nepal's poorest people, the bulk of whom are farmers. The VOITH organisation today employs more than 7,000 people and prides itself in its staff who represent some of the best managerial potential in the country.
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Your up to date profile and contact information are very important for employers to find a talent like you. Please login to JobsNepal.com and updata your profile so we can help you find your dream job in Vaidya's Organisation of Industries and Trading Houses (VOITH).