Sahayata Samajik Sanstha (SSS), a non governmental organization registered under the district administration office Nuwakot, and affiliated to Social Welfare Council (SWC), Nepal has been working in various sectors of Nuwakot and Rasuwa District since 2005. Sahayata Samajik Sanstha (SSS) was established with a vision of perfect society in which poor and under privileged group people fulfill their basic needs and live in dignity. Since the establishments we have been working in various developmental and informational sectors, namely in livelihood, shelter, water supply, sanitation and hygiene, women's trafficking, and HIV and aids in the collaboration with different national and international agencies. After the devastating Earthquake of 2072 BS, SSS in partnership with UNDP, OXFAM, Practical Action and ICIMOD is implementing the Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Programs in Nuwakot.
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