eSewa Fonepay Pvt. Ltd., is a wholly owned subsidiary of F1Soft International Pvt. Ltd., F1Soft Group is an innovation engine in digital finance that is helping simplify the lives of millions of Nepalis. Since inception in 2004, we have been helping build a digital ecosystem that connects the Nepal population to essential financial services in simple, affordable and secure ways. The F1Soft Group comprises businesses in several verticals that enable digital transformation and contribute to ecosystem development. Our solutions cater to mobile financial services, eHealth, EduTech, InsureTech, and eCommerce, among others. With over 600 employees, we are Nepal’s leading FinTech company and the highest tax payer in the IT sector. By 2023, we aim to be among the country’s top 5 businesses in terms of revenue and workforce. eSewa App is available for both iOS and Android devices and it's primary web portal is
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Your up to date profile and contact information are very important for employers to find a talent like you. Please login to and updata your profile so we can help you find your dream job in eSewa Fonepay Pvt. Ltd. .