Founded in Nepal in 2021, B. AND B. SOFT TECH KATHMANDU PVT. LTD. is committed to delivering top-tier IT services and training. Our mission is anchored on three key principles: Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation. As an independent IT consultancy, B. AND B. SOFT TECH KATHMANDU PVT. LTD. specializes in software development, consulting, and training services. We are passionate about addressing our client's challenges and are focused on delivering the right solutions every time. We prioritize knowledge-sharing and take the time to understand our clients' businesses to provide tailored solutions. B. AND B. SOFT TECH KATHMANDU PVT. LTD. is a reliable partner, resolving complex IT needs and guiding clients through the ever-evolving technology landscape. Over time, we realized that people lack the technical expertise to harness IT opportunities fully. To bridge this gap, we expanded into consultancy, offering practical, cost-effective solutions that align with our clients' goals. We are proud to have a multi-year partnership with a US-based tech company, providing services to their clientele. B. AND B. SOFT TECH KATHMANDU PVT. LTD. serves as a strong foundation for Nepali graduates to begin their careers. Our team of over 50 professionals offers a vibrant collaborative work environment, encouraging growth and development.
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