Re Terms of Reference | Early Childhood Development (ECD) & Human Values Trainer for CDM-Nepal
CDM-Nepal is a leading non-governmental development and humanitarian organisation of Province 5 of Nepal. Established in 2000 in Butwal, CDM-Nepal has worked in DRM, CCA, WASH, livelihood and GBV. CDM’s programmes have historically been targeted at underprivileged women and children. Origins of CDM-Nepal CDM-Nepal’s origin can be traced back to 1993, the year Rupandehi district experienced one of the devastating floods in its history. Having seen the havoc brought by the disaster, a group of local development professionals joined hands to informally set up “Save the Environment and Rural Development Institute (SERDI)”, which later became CDM-Nepal during official registration in 2000. Vision Our vision is to make just, equitable, peaceful, prosperous and disaster-resilient society for all citizens of Nepal. Mission Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families in the poorest, vulnerable, socially excluded and marginalised communities of Nepal. Objectives Reduce – Contribute to substantially reduce disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries IMPROVE – Improve socio-economic status of the poor, marginalized and vulnerable sections of the community by implementing risk-informed, gender-responsive and inclusive livelihood improvement, health, WASH and education programmes with a rights-based perspective PARTNERSHIP – Partner with local governments and civil society organisations for programme design, implementation and evaluation LEARNING – Generate learning through applied research on relevant socio-economic, climate, disaster and environmental issues and utilise learning for advocacy and also utilise for organisational development GOVERNANCE – Advocate and campaign at the local, province and national levels to address the root causes of development challenges
Details / requirements:
RE: Terms of Reference (TOR)
3.2.5 Support LGs To Identify And Implement School-Based Preparedness And Improve Learning Environment Through Conducting A Five-Day Early Childhood Development (ECD) And Human Value Training To ECD Teachers (Class 1 Through 3)
Center for Development and Disaster Management (CDM-Nepal)
CDM-Nepal is a national non-governmental development and humanitarian organization having Head Quarter in Butwal, Lumbini Province, Nepal. Established in 2000 in Rupandehi, CDM-Nepal has worked in disaster risk reduction, climate action, water sanitation and hygiene promotion, livelihoods and gender equity and social inclusion including gender-based violence. CDM’s target beneficiaries include marginalized women, children, youth and vulnerable communities. CDM worked in Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Arghakhachi, Gulmi, Palpa, Okhaldhunga, Doti, Dadeldhura, Baitadi, Kathmandu and Achham Districts.
CDM-Nepal was registered with the District Administration Office of Rupandehi in 16 May 2000 with registration number 466-057/058. It is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council of Nepal Government in 2000 with registration number 11639/057. Since its establishment, it has become a member of NGO Federation Nepal, National Disaster Preparedness Network (DPNet) Nepal since 2008 and a founding member of National Network of Community Disaster and Climate Risk Management Committee (NCDMC). District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) of Rupandehi district has selected CDM-Nepal as the current District Lead Support Agency (DLSA) of Rupandehi district. Since 2017, CDM-Nepal has been providing technical and other support to Lumbini Provincial Government as Province Lead Support Agency (PLSA).
CDM Nepal has invited to submit proposals from eligible individuals with relevant experiences on "ECD and Human Value Training'' of Community Resilient Programme III project from Siyari Rural Municipality of Rupandehi district. To ensure children acquire the necessary skills and behaviors to effectively participate in school and society, CDM Nepal plans to organize a 5-day ECD training program. This training will focus on providing educators and facilitators with the knowledge and tools to support children’s cognitive, social, and moral development. Teaching moral values will also be emphasized as an integral part of this program to nurture ethically responsible individuals.
Objectives of the Assignment:
The objective of this TOR is to engage a qualified trainer on 5 days ECD training program under school safety measure heading of Siyari Rural Municipality, Rupandehi Nepal.
- To equip ECD teachers with a comprehensive understanding of ECD principles and human value practices, aiming for at least 80% of participants to demonstrate improved teaching methodologies post-training.
- To enhance skills for fostering children’s cognitive, social, emotional development and practices on human value.
- To develop participants’ capacity to run weekly classes on human value.
- To develop a teachers reference guideline on human value and coach /monitor each weekly class for creating inclusive, value-focused, child-centered learning environments.
Scope of Services and Tasks and Activities to be completed:
The consultant will be responsible for facilitating the 'ECD training' program. Activities will include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Preparation for the sessions, resources and submission of capacity sharing content to CDM Nepal.
Facilitate the training program as lead facilitator for 25 ECD Teachers (3 days ECD focused, 2 days Human Value Focused)
Facilitate the training program as a facilitator (2 days Human Value focused)
Develop a teachers reference guideline on human value for facilitating weekly session for 50 weeks
The facilitator will have prime responsibility to collect and prepare training materials, facilitation guideline and reporting of the assignment. S/he should focus on innovative teaching methods /techniques to unlock the hidden potentials of children proving practical demonstrations and group activities to reinforce key concepts.
The following deliverables are expected from the consultant in due process of the assignment:
Development and submission of training schedule, session plan and training content for mutually finalization and adoption withing one week of contract signing
Facilitation of the training at municipal level to 25 selected ECD Teachers.
Development of teachers reference materials /guideline (manual), presentation slides, handouts, etc. in both digital and printed formats.
Submission of weekly monitoring and support plan to each school after completion of the training event during implementation
Pre-and post-training evaluation reports.
A final training completion report, including key achievements, challenges, and recommendations for implementation
Monthly monitoring report, including key achievements, challenges, and recommendations for improvement for each targeted school.
Reporting Line
The consultant will report to CDM's Program Manager of the CRP III programme of CDM Nepal.
The training should be completed within 15 days (1 event X 5 days facilitation X 1 day preparation, 1 day reporting and 7 days preparation of teachers reference material) for 25 ECD teachers in January/February 2025. The exact dates will be determined in consultation with the trainers. The consultant will also provide follow up support through monitoring, coaching and field visits and provide backstopping support to continue for 5-6 months, ideally with weekly or fortnightly visits.
Qualifications and experience of the consultant
· Minimum a Bachelor’s degree in Early childhood development, Education, Psychology or related field
- Preferable Master’s degree in social sciences-related fields and experience working with NGOs and local communities is an asset.
· At least 3 years experiences in designing and conducting ECD training programs.
· The facilitation team should be comprised of a person equipped on human value education principles
- Proven Expertise in child development, child psychology, and moral education.
- Proven ability to develop training curricula and materials.
Capacity to present the content in clear and straightforward to the targeted participants.
Excellent communication, facilitation and report writing skills in both English and Nepali.
Ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
- Should have time to visit, monitor and provide technical support in schools of Siyari Rural municipality - weekly and/or fortnight basis.
Payment Schedule
All statuary tax shall be deducted to all payment as per the taxation rules of Nepal Government
30% upon submission of the teachers reference materials on ECD (3 days government curriculum should be adapted) and human values (2-3 days human value resource materials for conducting weekly session)
50% payment will be paid upon the submission of the training completion report. It should include all the documents and reference materials related to training. It will be done within the one week of report submission.
Remaining amount will be paid on monthly basis for 5/6 months until classes are run
Annex 1
SN | Items | Unit | Quantity | Unit rate in NPR | Total in NRP | Remarks |
A | Facilitation cost- ECD | Per Day | 3 days |
| Facilitation cost- Human Value | Per Day | 2 days |
B | Preparation, and reporting | Per Day 2 days |
C | Travel/transportation cost (Local) | Days/ month |
D | Preparation and training completion report submission | days |
E | Development of Teachers Reference manual ---------------------7 days Follow up support – field visits | Days |
F | Other logistics |
F.1 | Air fare / bus ticket |
F.2 | Stationery |
Interested and eligible individuals should submit a technical proposal (including letter of interest, profiles/relevant experiences, CVs) and financial proposal (including facilitation and follow up costs) by 22nd February 2025 (before 8 pm) via email: with the subject line: ‘ECD and Human Value Session Proposal’
CDM Nepal reserves the right to fully or partially cancel the bid and is not bound to any legal claim in this regard.
Consultant will be evaluated based on the following:
Areas of evaluation | Weightage (%) |
Proposed methodology, technical capacity and experience to apply the methodology and demonstration of knowledge about the pedagogy and experience in the sector | 70% |
Financial proposal | 30% |
Centre for Development and Disaster Management (CDM-Nepal)
Siddharthanagar-08, Bhairahawa, Nepal
Category | Education, Engineering - Environment, Development and Project, Trainer , Development / NGO, Development / INGO, NGO/INGO/Social work |
Openings | 1 |
Position Type | Contract |
Position Level | Senior Level |
Experience | 3+ years |
Education | M. Ed. (Education), M.P.H. (Masters in Public Health), B.S.W. (Bachelors in Social Work), M.S.W. (Masters in Social Work), Bachelors in Psychology, Bachelor's degree in Development Studies, Social Science, Business Management, Masters in Psychology, Bachelor's Degree in Humanities/Social Work/Education |
Posted Date | 23 Jan, 2025 |
Apply Before | 22 Feb, 2025 |
City | Rupandehi |