Call for Independent Audit Service for External Audit for FY 2080/81

ADRA Nepal

Details / requirements:

Call for Independent Audit Service


External Audit for FY 2080/81

Published Date: 02 July 2024

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a global humanitarian organization that operates in more than 120 countries. ADRA Nepal works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action. ADRA collaborates closely with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of their projects. ADRA prioritizes community participation, capacity building, and a holistic approach to development, aiming to uplift vulnerable populations and promote long-term positive change in Nepal.

ADRA Nepal requires an independent audit firm to conduct the statutory audit for FY 2080/81 BS 

The audit firm is required to perform the following:

  • Statutory audit for FY 2080/81 BS (2023/024 AD0 and individual project audits within the year of the agreement period.
  • The audit should be conducted according to the Nationally accepted auditing standards guidelines inclusive of directives of funding agencies.
  • The scope of the audit covers the Country Office and the implementing partners' expenditures which include (1) all disbursements listed in different financial reports submitted by the implementing partner and (2) the direct payments processed by ADRA on their behalf.
  • Draft Annual statutory audit to be submitted by 15th September 2024 & final report by 6th October 2024.
  • Pointwise observation of the draft audit report to be shared with management followed by presentation of each of the audit observations and its implications.
  • The final statutory audit report package should also include certified financial statements, inclusive of cash positions and the assets/equipment, the Auditor's opinion, a management letter detailing shortcomings in internal controls, procedures adopted in the audit and practices, and relevant recommendations, and Special reports if required.
  • Support in income filing to/at the Tax Office

Qualifications of Auditor:

  • The auditor must be completely impartial and independent from all aspects of management or financial interests in ADRA & in implementing partners.
  • The auditor should not, during the period covered by the audit nor during the undertaking of the audit, be employed by, serve as director for, or have any financial or close business relationships with any senior participant in the management of the entity.
  • The auditor should be experienced in applying all applicable relevant auditing standards. 
  • The auditor must employ adequate audit staff with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience.
  • The audit firm should have at least 7 years’ experience in auditing the financial statements of entities similar in size and complexity.
  • ⁠The audit should have experience in auditing of INGO or similar organization.
  • The audit firm must have registered and should be renewed from The Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nepal.
  • Curriculum vitae of Key audit team members responsible for signing and managing the audit should be shared. CVs should include details of major and relevant assignment and experiences only.
  • It is highly desirable of Audit team to have high level of experience on current government requirement, SWC rules regulation
  • It is desirable for audit members to have Experience with audit of UN agencies, MOFA Japan, DFAT Australia

Required Documents:

  1. Profile of the consultancy firm including past experience
  2. Certificate of Practice (COP) with renewal
  3. FIRM Registration Certificate in Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN)
  4. VAT registration certificate
  5. Latest Tax clearance certificate
  6. Details on Audit Team proposed for this assignment including qualification, work experience 
  7. Price with validity (inclusive of VAT)

Interested Audit Firms are requested to submit their Technical and Financial Proposal along with the above document to reach the address below no later than 5 PM of 11th July 2024 (Thursday) or submit to

For any enquiry, please write to

Please visit for the detail ToR.

ADRA reserves the right to reject any submission without mentioning the reasons whatsoever. Any attempt to exert influence will result in automatic disqualification.


Category Development and Project, Expression of Interests, Tender Notice, Bid, Auditing
Openings 1
Position Type Contract
Experience Please check details
Education Please check details
Posted Date 02 Jul, 2024
Apply Before 11 Jul, 2024
City Lalitpur