Call for Expert Roster
Details / requirements:
Call for Expert Roster
Trio Research and Development (TrioRD) is an organization of highly experienced professionals who work for human rights, child rights, governance, social development, communication, and peace. TrioRD provides services on studies and research, capacity building training, campaign and event management, publications, evaluates programs, builds capacity, formulates and reviews policies, spreads awareness, increases communication for behavior change with the following specific objectives;
- To study, research, publication, evaluation, capacity building, policy review, conduct training, developing awareness materials for overall human rights, governance, child rights, disability rights, child friendly education, social justice, and social development issues,
- To facilitate the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs. Design strategies, advocacy, and campaigns and event management on development issues, human rights, environment, education, social justice, dalit and people with disability issues.
This call is for the enlistment in our consultant's roster to place qualified individual consultants from April 2025-Dec 2026 to expedite our forthcoming assignments.
We invite enlistment for Senior and mid-level expert (consultant) in the following areas;
- Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI): Research, KAP; Policy analysis and capacity building.
- GBV Prevention and Response with Research, KAP; Policy analysis and capacity building.
- Maternal and Newborn Health: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Disability Rights: Evaluation and policy Scoping
- Access to Formal and Informal Justice
- Economist (Environment, Forest)
- Sexual Health and Reproductive Health: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)/ Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
- Public Health and Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH)
- Environment rights and Ecology (Forest, Agriculture, Water)
- Assistive Device Development and Supply Measurement (PWD)
- Inclusive Quality Education; Early Grade EGMA and EGRA
- Economic Rights; Livelihood and Poverty eradication: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Food Security and Nutrition: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Data Entry, Analysis and Management (Excel, SPSS, KOBO, ODK)
- Monitoring, Evaluation and learning: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Climate change and Human Rights: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
- Migration and Migrant Workers' Rights
- Legal (Environment/natural resources)
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Videography and Short Film Maker
- Language Editor and Translator: Nepali and English
- Writer- Feature, Proposal, Report (English, Nepali and French)
- Knowledge Management: Research, KAP; Policy analysis and capacity building.
- New Media Trainer
- TEVT: Research, KAP; Policy analysis and capacity building.
- Federalism in Nepal: Research, KAP; policy analysis and capacity building
Qualifications and experiences
- Doctoral or Master’s degree in the mentioned streams.
- A bachelor’s degree with a relevant combination of professional training, certification and experience may apply if they themselves claim as expert.
- Previous experience in the mentioned area in research institutions, government and non-government organization in project development, baseline, mid-line and evaluation, appraisal and/or implementation would be an advantage
Interested professional are requested to submit their CV before March 30, 2025 at or by filling the Brief Efficacy of Expert.
Brief Efficacy of Expert Link:
Category | Public Health, Legal, Human Rights, Development / NGO, Video Production, Environment and climate, Agriculture/Livelihood, Nutrition, Language Translator |
Openings | 27 |
Salary | Based on experience |
Position Type | Contract |
Position Level | Senior Level |
Experience | 5+ years |
Education | Post Graduate / Masters in related field. |
Posted Date | 16 Mar, 2025 |
Apply Before | 30 Mar, 2025 |
City | Nepal |